
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorders: A Case Study

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Management of everyday capabilities can be hampered by a person’s psychological disorder. In support of this, individuals with personality disorders often suffer from patterns of rigid behaviors (Rathus, 2010). While we are not trained psychologists, everyone can learn to understand particular disorders in real life. Personally, I’ve experienced obsessive compulsive disorder, obsessive compulsive personality disorder, and depression.
To begin, obsessive compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder illustrated by repeated thoughts, urges, or images (Rathus, 2010). Symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder include the act of being compulsively neat and organized. Also, another common symptom mentions repeating the same steps to any task again and again (Psychology Today, 2017). In my own life, I am very organized and neat. For example, to record my agenda, a planner separates each day by a differing color. Obsessive compulsive disorder is demonstrated as the symptoms involve the practice of an orderly manner. Another example incorporates the habit of pressing the lock button three times after exiting my vehicle. Such a task shows repetition every time the action is completed, representing obsessive compulsive disorder (Psychology Today, 2017). In conclusion, …show more content…

To elaborate, rigidity in tasks supports orderly rules and lists. Perfection must define even the most minor details in projects or everyday life (Psychology Today, 2017). Not to mention, when eating meals, food must be spaced far enough that different nutrients do not touch. For me, if under stress, my closet or dresser drawers become an obsession to organize, according to color. Due to this, rigidity, personality disorder, and organization are the most significant in my life. For instance, completion of the activities above, results in an unflustered

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