
Oedipus The King Analysis

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Many people say Sophocles lived a very unknown and mysterious life but, his legacy memorable plays still live along generations today. One of his most famous plays that tends to be memorable to most people is Oedipus the king because Oedipus is an obvlious ignorant king who tries to blame everyone in his circle and soon realizes he's the killer, and runs away from all of the chaos. In the short article, written by Bernard Knox it relates to Oedipus the king because of how civilization is like in the city of Thebes and how there is conflicts within and outside the kingdom. Also, back then people thought it is very important to be apart of this kingdom but many people who were not from this city had a different perception of how their …show more content…

Honestly, you can see Oedipus showing great concern about his city and about his people who are suffering right now but he soon later realize he is going to fight his own demon that eventually drives him away. Next, when Oedipus reveals the reason why people are dying in his city he begins to start drama within and outside the kingdom. Oedipus discovers the original king name Laius has been killed and this is why many incidents among the city has been happening. Oedipus is very determined to get to the bottom of this horrific incident and execute who is responsible for the previous king's murder. He began to blame people in his kingdom like Ceron and the blind prophet Tiresias. In the story, Tiresias says to Oedipus “when the truth is only pain to him who sees! I knew it well, but I put it from my mind, else I never would have come.” This explains that Tiresias knows the truth about the murder of king and that people in the palace in fact know the truth except him. Even in the article Greece and Theater it mentions “These city-states were, as often as not, at war with their neighbors—over grazing land, borderlines or cattle raids. The Greeks, who gave us history, philosophy and political science, never managed to solve the problems posed by their political disunity; even the ideal states of their philosophers—the Republic of Plato, the perfect

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