
Oedipus The King And Othello's Dramatic Irony

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Before modern culture, traveling plays were a popular source of entertainment. They were very dramatic and over exaggerated situations with death being the common dramatic ending. In order to bring suspense, often times there was a lot of dramatic irony used. Oedipus the King and Othello both played on the dramatic irony as the fact that neither of them could see the truth is what lead to their dramatic end. They were unable to see the complete picture because they didn’t take the time to get the whole picture until it was too late. Oedipus and Othello were both subject to make decisions based on their biases.
In Oedipus the King, Oedipus was unable to distinguish what was true in his life. He believed that his parents were in the town of Corinth. Therefore, everything everyone told him after that was unbelievable to him. He never thought that his whole life would have been a lie, but who would? He fell victim to the anchoring bias. The anchoring bias is when one focuses on a single piece of information to make a decision or solve a problem. Focusing on one piece of information can be detrimental if that piece is not normal, complete or even false. This is what happened with Oedipus. He believed his parents were in Corinth so he refused the idea that he …show more content…

Desdemona came and cleared the situation with her proclamation of love to Othello, but this discrimination is something that Othello probably had to deal with regularly. This insecurity is what made his so quick to believe ______ even though he was a lot lower ranked officer who Othello wasn’t even previously close with. Othello fell victim to the confirmation bias which is when one focuses on information that confirms an existing belief. Othello believed he was seeing the whole picture but it was his insecurities that was preventing him from seeing it

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