
Oedipus The King: The Morality Of The Law

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There are several occurences that lead to Oedipus’ moment of recognisiton, which is his repenting from ignoring the signs that are taken over by his own dogmatism. For example, there are signs given to him by Tiresias and Creon and Loxias as he states, “Why, Loxias declared that I should one day marry my own mother, and with my own hands shed my father’s blood. . .” but which he does not take seriously despite Tiresias record of being right (36). The idea that he might go through such troubles is ingrained onto the back of his head since he believes it enough that he moves away from Corinth -- where he thinks his parents live. This serves as support to the idea or belief that he is not and could not be the killer of Laius.

However, the …show more content…

In many ways one can compare it to today’s justice system in America and how although it might be “the law” it is in some cases unjust. One example would be racial profiling done in Arizona towards Hispanics and Latinos, which is a law that is created by a group of individuals with a similar view. In this sense such rules can be argued are fictional and constructed, but that are set into a “law.” Not to mention, such laws don’t always exemplify justice and hinder the human morals and ethics that are outside of societal conventions. Hence, I would ask if Oedipus is unjust by lashing out to those trying to warn him? And then ask if his recognition is justified by it being unjust? That being said, I do think that Oedipus was unjust in treating the individuals who tried to warn him the way he did, because his life was at stake as well as his position, it was more of a defense mechanism. His recognition, however, is crucial and I don’t believe is adequate for his actions even if it served a lesson for Oedipus. Hence, I think it does create a great example, and law is restored, I assume, but justice being served is …show more content…

She tells Eben pleadingly by getting to his mother and by saying “She’s tellin’ ye t’ love me. She knows I love ye an’ I’ll be good t’y. Can’t ye feel it? Don’t ye know? She’s tellin’ ye t’ love me, Eben!” getting at Eben’s weakness (40). That being said, I then infer that Abbie is manipulative. It also points to her not necessarly being in love with Eben and creating an opportunity for her self to carry out her plan. The truth comes out on the part of Eben of how he feels when he gets involved with her intimately. Now this is where I think she had a change of heart. She now knows how Eben feels towards her and she now has gotten with him, so in this way she could be in love with him, or maybe

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