
Off-Site Construction in the United Kingdom

Decent Essays

Offsite construction is the most efficient alternative to conventional methods and hence the government of U.K has adopted various offsite methods of construction since the twentieth century due to the increased housing demands and limited availability of skilled labour. In spite of the various benefits offered by the offsite construction methods, the growth has been slow in the construction industry. This research will focus on the various offsite construction techniques currently being used in the housing sector and various solutions to overcome the barriers that obstruct the growth of offsite construction in the housing sector. A survey questionnaire was set and send to various different professionals working in the construction industry such as contractors, designers and house builders in order to analysing the current situation of offsite construction in the housing sector. The wider usage of offsite construction techniques are inhibited by the high investment costs, delayed time, interfacing problem and delayed planning process. The current usage level of offsite construction techniques in the U.K housing sector is low compared to other countries. Based on the research findings, various recommendations and strategies have been put forward in order to gain visibility and credibility, of the offsite methods of construction in the housing sector.
Offsite construction technology involves making use of pre-fabricated components that has been manufactured in a

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