
Data Analysis And Interpretation Of Data

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In this Chapter, the researcher engages in the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data collected using questionnaire which were administered in line with the objective of the study. Data including gender, occupation, types of accommodation, and opinion of respondents on the risk management strategies of residential building projects in Lagos state are discussed. The data is collated in a bid to providing answers to the aforementioned research questions stated in chapter one, and to determine the risk management strategies which can be adopted in residential building projects which is the explicit aim of this research. The data was presented and analyzed using descriptive …show more content…

In total, fifty (50) questionnaires were administered to respondents out of which forty-five (45) representing 90% were retrieved and considered valid for data analysis, The distribution of selected contractors are expressed in Table 4.1 below.

Study Group
Questionnaires Administered
Questionnaires Retrieved
Civil Engineers 14 14 100
Architects 6 6 100
Builders 30 25 83.3

Total 50 45 90.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2015.

Table 4.1 shows the number of questionnaires distributed to and retrieved from the selected contractors. Copies of the questionnaire were distributed to some of the professionals who in full capacity are engaged in one form of construction project or the other. The reason for this was to get a direct feedback as pertaining to the accomplishment of the set objectives outlined in this research. At the end of the exercise, 25 out of 30 Civil engineers (representing 83.3%), 6 out of 6 Architects, and 14 out of 14 Builders filled and returned the questionnaire. In total, 90.0% of the total questionnaire distributed where retrieved and this was accomplished by the personal efforts of the researcher.
Respondent’s Sex Distribution


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