The Government class that I partake in is writing to an Ohio Senator and I hope that your response can be casual and informative. I would also like to ask for some of your personal memorabilia, anything from a signed picture to a bumper sticker, something that we can proudly hang in our classroom. Your name jumped out at me especially; actually it was the “R” next to your name that especially intrigued my curiosity. As a proud Republican myself, I wanted to know the response you get when you answer the question of your political affiliation. What is the best and worst reaction you received when you revealed to someone that you were a Republican? While visiting your website, , I noticed that one of your main goals
“The Bosses of the Senate” Political cartoons have been used for centuries to display the various perspectives and views on major events or topics of discussion in the society. In various earlier eras of our history, political cartoons were aimed towards the general public to bring much-needed attention to various situations and proceedings. Cartoons could be viewed by anyone and everyone despite literacy, therefore they quickly gained popularity. “The Bosses of the Senate” was one of such political cartoons that depicted the direct relation between monopolies and the Senate during the Gilded Age to the general public. The Gilded Age was a time of modern industrialization, with national transportation, communication, and other innovative benefits
Throughout the second half of the 20th century, and into the first decade of the 21st century, Wisconsin politics had a well-established tradition of centrist governance, with the ultimate goal of best serving the citizens of Wisconsin. State Senator Tim Cullen (D), who served in the state Senate first between 1975 and 1987, returned to the state Senate in 2010, for fear that state politics was on the brink of hyper partisanship. In his Memoir Ringside Seat: Wisconsin Politics, the 1970’s to Scott Walker Cullen, in cooperation with former high ranking members of both parties, attempts to describe the fundamental differences between the political environment of Wisconsin prior to, and following, Act 10. Importantly, the memoir argues that the
The Ohio statehouse had multiple people contribute to its construction; there were numerous architects and several others. In 1838 there was a design competition held by the government to decide how the building would be built. Many entries were received from the public around the county, and most were either architects or artists. The winner was Henry Walter from Cincinnati while second place went to Martin E. Thompson from New York and third place went to Thomas Cole who was a landscape painter. The design of the statehouse was centered around all three of the winners, and Alexander Jackson Davis, an architectural consultant, drew the design. The construction of the statehouse began on July 4, 1839, and 22 years later the structure was completed in 1861.
The Republican incumbent Senator Patrick Toomey of Pennsylvania was placed in a difficult position throughout his Senatorial campaign. With an unstable, hectic presidential campaign in progress, the citizens of Pennsylvania were curious as to whether the two senatorial candidates were in support or opposed to their party’s respective presidential candidates. While Katie McGinty, the democratic candidate for the Pennsylvania Senate, clearly endorsed Hillary Clinton, Toomey refrained from expressing clear support for Donald Trump. Although McGinty attacked Toomey’s lack of decisiveness and called him weak, Toomey took this stance strategically. Toomey resulted in winning the Pennsylvania Senatorial election through his status as an incumbent, and his strategic decision to refrain from fully endorsing Donald Trump.
Republican Wisconsin senator, Joseph R. McCarthy, was originally a quiet senator who was fairly unknown and had done nothing extraordinary previous to 1950. The senator changed all that when he delivered a speech in February 1950, in which he leveled allegations that the State Department employed numerous Communists. He claimed to possess a list of these Communist employees, although that list was never produced (Tindall, George Brown, and David Emory Shi). Senator McCarthy’s attempt to gain publicity with his outlandish accusations worked. Since the first Red Scare years before the fifties, many Americans continued to be terrified of Communists and their potential ability to corrupt and overrun America. Senator McCarthy played on these fears, and he continued to claim communism had infiltrated every aspect of America; politics, culture and all of American society. Because of the similarity of events from the first Red Scare, this time period of the early fifties in America is often called the second Red Scare. The second Red Scare in America’s history actually began in the late forties, previous to McCarthy’s emergence in 1950, and it continued on throughout the fifties lasting at least a dozen years (Storrs, Landon R. Y.) McCarthy’s short era during the second Red Scare actually lasted only four years, but because of his outspoken and arrogant persona, as well as his ability to inflict fear and persecution on innocent people, this entire span of time went down in the
The Wisconsin State Senate uses a variety of sources to provide it with the vital information it needs to function as a modern legislative assembly. The Wisconsin State Senate frequently utilizes many nonpartisan agencies for the many projects it creates and the problems that it solves, and these key agencies each serve a variety of purposes for the State Senate in Wisconsin. The agencies that are fundamental it are the: Legislative Reference Bureaus for information, the Legislative Technology Services Bureau for its extensive knowledge on technology, the Legislative Council for its expertise on legal matters, the Legislative Financial Bureau for its vast intelligence in the field of fiscal information, and the Legislative Audit Bureau for supervision on the various situations and projects the legislature deals with.
The second group I attended was the Kentucky House of Representative Candidates Forum for house districts: 7, 11, 12, 13, and 14. This group was attended by me via online and took place on campus at Brescia University in Owensboro Kentucky. The Candidates Forum was held on Monday October 17 from 7:00pm-8:30pm CDT. The scene was that of an auditorium with six candidates seated at a table in the front and to what appeared to be the group moderator at a podium to the right of the room. The camera did not focus in on much of the audience for me to give an accurate description, but there were several members there to observe and many had questions for the Candidates.
Senator Felix Grundy of Kentucky urged for war in his appeal to the Speaker in 1811 because he believed that the British were infringing on the maritime rights of Americans, suddenly and without reason. He believed it was a violation of personal liberty that the government should not stand for. On the opposition, Senator John Randolph of Virginia opposed the war and he did not believe Grundy 's appeal. In his appeal to the Speaker in 1811, he said that the war was not for maritime rights, but for greed. He believed those in favor of the war saw land they could win from the war and wanted to claim it as their own. He states in his speech that he did not hear a call for rights, but a chant for Canadian lands. In the chance that I had been a part of the decision of going to war with Britain, I would have supported the war. Although nobody doubted British actions against American shipping as crimes, the motives of the War Hawks were continually questioned. The War Hawks are a group of young congressmen that were the new generation of political leaders. They are ardent nationalists that called for war with Britain. They spoke of defending honor against British insults and in support of the annexation of Canada and the conquest of Florida, which is owned by the British ally, Spain (Foner 242). Despite their concentration on practical goals, like the expansion of America, these young men upheld principles of free trade and wanted to liberate the United States from European
Texas Senate District 25 is currently occupied by incumbent Donna Campbell. This district is considered one of most heavily gerrymandered districts in Texas, stretching from north San Antonio to South Austin. Campbell has held office since 2012 after defeating the incumbent in a runoff primary race. Though Campbell won the general election in 2012 by 31.2% points and 2014 by 33.4%, there is an expected GOP backlash that could bring her large wins to something reachable by Edward Kling. Since this is a nonpresidential election Steven Kling would need around 120,000 votes, depending on turnout, to reach 51% and take the district.
If I were to choose a figure in the government who I admire the most, that person would be Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina. Ever since I began to take an interest in politics, I always leaned towards the conservative side of the spectrum but everyone else around me identified as a liberal. As an African-American male, it is hard to come out as a black republican, especially when you attend a Historically Black College. For the last couple of decades, the black community has tended to vote Democrat and when they see one of their own come out as a republican, they reject that person and instantly decry them. So many blacks who do share conservative views choose not to come out as republican, partly because of the backlash they expect to face. However, this is not the case of Senator Tim Scott. I look up to
Page 213/chapter 6: From the quiz, I know I am a Liberal who favored individual initiative and support social and political reform. Knowing a political ideology helps us to learn more about government and politics. Now, I am interested about my political
Based on my responses, this quiz placed me into the next generation left which includes people with liberal values. As a person has different political views towards different things, my views are also scattered between democrats and republicans in different prospects. I stand as a democrat while taking the views related to criminal justice and immigration where they are more liberal. In some cases, like the issue of gun control, I am in support of republicans as they strongly oppose the use of guns and hand arms to control the crime.
In Los Banos Community, I am pleasingly surprised that so many people are willing to help others. The Empty Bowls Organization celebrates 25 Years anniversary (Empty Bowls, n.d.). In the Empty Bowl fundraiser, participants receive the bowl that was created by community volunteers (children, school students, and adults) after they share a simple meal of soup together (Spevak, 2014). People appreciate the bowls and grace of the volunteers. “ In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). The Empty of Bowl is a wonderful gathering event because they share the moment of good deeds, have cheerful time together, and are helping the others. Essentially, children
The identity of a Catholic school is the key variable that sets that school apart from all others, and without a commitment to fostering the Catholic identity, a Catholic school becomes just a school. The Congregation for Catholic Education (1988) cited in Earl (2008) noted that if the Catholic identity "is not present, then there is little left which can make the school Catholic" (p. 197). Integral in developing and maintaining the Catholic identity of a school is the faith formation of both the adults who work in the building, as well as the students who attend. Nourishing the spirituality of these groups is the responsibility of the administration and those who lead the school. However, the faith formation needs of each group are unique, but nonetheless dependent on each other, to form the Catholic identity of the school.
From this week’s reading, I was able learn about the history of the Promise Land and how Joshua conquered the land. From the Book of Joshua to 2 Kings, there were significant events that took place that had an impact on the how we deal current situations. Knowing the history of the bible, gives a person knowledge and insight of how people dealt with God.