
Oklahoma vs. New York: Different but Beautiful States Essay

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Oklahoma and New York have several different attributes that make both of them beautiful states in their own right, but they are very differing attributes. Oklahoma being located in the central United States has a completely different climate from that of New York, located in the northeast. Inhabitants from both states come from several different ethnic backgrounds, speaking several different languages. The standard of living in New York can be a lot higher than that of Oklahoma, especially if looking in the New York City area where an apartment can be one and half million dollars. Oklahoma is classified as a Midwest state, and has a climate resembling that of south and north, depending on the season. In the late summer months, such as …show more content…

These temperatures result in large snow storms dumping eight to sixteen inches of snow at a time. Even with such large snowfall, most schools in major cities don’t shut down for the day. Instead classes are delayed til the middle of the morning, allowing for snow plows to get out and clear the roads. The only schools that normally close during snow storms are those located in the most rural locations of the state. Rainfall throughout the year averages about four inches a month, just falling in different forms. Summer months usually produce warm temperatures in the seventies, warming water temperatures up enough to go to coastal beaches. New York is often hit by the remains of hurricanes that have traveled up the east coast. These dump several inches of water on the state at a time. New York doesn’t have the standard tornado thought of by Oklahomans, but with the right mixture over the Great Lakes region, the weather often produces water spouts. These spouts are usually harmless forms of tornadoes, with wind speeds reaching sixty miles an hour, and often die out quickly. While the far northern parts of the state can be different, the state of New York as a whole has a fairly consistent climate from year to year. Oklahoma gets its name from the Choctaw language, the two words that make Oklahoma, “okla” and “humma”, mean

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