
Older Adult Interview Paper

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This paper comprises of an interview with an older adult on certain areas regarding her life, including: demographics, health, self-concept, social support, home environment, interpersonal and life satisfaction. In this paper also, I compare and contrast a particular lifestyle of my patient with that of a recent research article. Mrs N is a 86 year old woman born in 1931. She is Nigerian and currently lives in Nigeria. The education system is different in Nigeria, but if converted to the US system, her highest level of education is a high school diploma. She hasn’t been professionally employed, but she mentioned that in her younger days, she was an “all-round business woman.” She was an international trader that sold foodstuffs and Nigerian …show more content…

She retired from her international trading after she and her late husband had trained their five children through university. Her late husband was the managing director of a Coca Cola company branch in Nigeria. Her five children currently take care of her financial assistance and she is not having any issues in this area because her first son is a medical doctor and he is financially stable. She also added that all her children are doing well financially, so taking care of her hasn’t been a burden at all. She was Anglican in her earlier days when her parents were alive but, switched to pentecostal church after she got married. She is involved in a Christian Women Organization (CWO) in her local community, and does a lot of charity work as …show more content…

She mentioned that at this stage of her life, her children are the most important to her. After her children, then the christian women community she associates with. She has experienced several significant events in her life, and the best of them all was her wedding day. She explained that most of her friends then were usually married off to an older man or had to do an arranged marriage but, she was grateful that she got to marry the man that she loved. After her marriage, was the birth of her first child. She explained that in her culture, a woman was supposed to have given birth or gotten pregnant within the first three years of marriage, but she was unable to and that worried her a lot. She recalled that her inlaws were already pressuring her husband to marry a second wife if she couldn’t conceive, but her husband didn’t and by her fifth year of marriage, she gave birth to her first child. She explained that for the first time, she experienced a sense of fulfillment after giving birth to her child. The third most significant event in her life was the graduation of her last child from the university. She stated that her children’s education was the major force that drove her and her husband to keep working hard, and after her last child of five children graduated, she could “take a deep breath.” She said that the most pleasant surprise in her life was when her late husband, who was then her boyfriend, came into

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