
Older Adult Population Essay

Decent Essays

There are 17% of older adults still in the labor force, while 36% of older adults have a disability. 28% of the US populations are older adults living on their own and 79% of the U.S. population are older adults that own their own homes. The older adult population in the United States has significantly increased over the last several years and will continue to increase. There are more older adults than older men. In 2005 the older adult population as a whole was at 36.6 million and the most recent statistics in 2015 shows that the older adult population was at 47.8 million. The number of older adults could increase to 98 million by 2060. The average age of the older adults has greatly increased since the 1900s. In 2015 22% of the older adult population were of racial or ethnic minority. According to the most recent data taken (2015), if someone was born in 2015, they could expect to live around 30 years longer than someone who was born in the 1900s. Why is this? The number of death rates for both children and adults has seen a great reduction. There were also a lower number of babies born in the 1900s due to the Great Depression in the 1930s.

The states vary in age and age growth swith the largest percentage of the total population of older adults being in Florida. Older adults in Florida make up 19.4% of the …show more content…

During the peak of being in their labor force days in the 1990s the adult population hit a record high and has been downhill since due to the generation aging that will only continue to fall. Taking workers out of the workforce means there will be little growth for the economy. The U.S. dependency ratio which is the number of people outside the working age is set to reverse and by 2020 the dependency ratio will be back to 65 and in 2030 75. By 2050 the baby boom generation will be at least 85 and will make up 4% of the

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