
On How My Travel Experiences Changed My Views of Life

Decent Essays

I thought I would discuss my travel experiences and how it has changed my views of life. I have been to the Caribbean many times, for example, Cuba, Mexico, The Dominican Republic, & St. Maarten to name a few. I have also backpacked through Thailand and would like to discuss what I have learned from a few of these countries and how these experiences have affected my perspective.

Travelling to Cuba for the first time was amazing. Having only travelled to Mexico once before my first trip to Cuba I noticed a contrast in cultures even though my assumption was they would be similar because they are both Spanish speaking. My first trip to Varadero was over 12 years ago. I was informed that the locals valued tips of crayons, toothbrushes, razors, and toiletries, but I was unsure why. I later realized it was because of the embargos, they had no, or very limited access to, these items and many more. I remember going into Havana and while taking in the breathtaking sights, being followed by many locals who were rubbing their arms. I had no idea what was going on and was later informed that they were asking for soap. SOAP! I thought to myself, not money or food, but soap? Something I had taken for granted my whole life. In my many discussions with the locals I learned they were very educated, most of whom were doctors and environmental or corporate lawyers. Education is free in Cuba and homes are also provided for free, therefore, many Cubans go to University for many

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