
On The Raft Of The Medusa

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“A Historical Painting” If there was ever a painting that historical significance, The Raft of the Medusa would definitely be the one. This painting was considered a major piece of work during the 19th century and this was definitely considered a period piece because it was during the Romantic period. On July 5th1816, a raft went down in shark infested waters off of the coast of Africa, with hundred’s crewmember’s on board and of those men that were there, only 15 survived. The Raft of the Medusa was based off of this shipwrecked frigate, the Medusa, it had ran ashore on the west coast of Africa. Altogether, the Medusa carried over four hundred colonists and soldiers, but there were not enough lifeboats for everyone so they built a raft. Furthermore, this raft was assembled from wood, this raft was meant to hold those soldiers and colonists that were low-ranking and low-status. What happened next was a tragedy, the raft was meant to only hold so many and as a result the raft began to submerge under water. …show more content…

These tragic events culminated in a scandal, the likes the world has not seen in sometime. This tragedy happened because of the incompetency and the unskillfulness of the captain. But the real story behind this catastrophe had to do with the ineptness of the leaders, the Bourbons, The Raft of the Medusa, eventually became a symbol of a country that was meandering away because the lack of experience by their leaders. In other words, the painting itself reflected how both the captain, as well as the leaders of the French government as not being competent enough to rightly lead its

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