In this museum, we will be showing you artwork throughout history that all shares a similar theme in all of them. All of the art pieces in this museum all involve nature and seascapes, many artists throughout history have drawn nature and the ocean that is around them or beautiful place that they made up, but many of these beautiful landscapes were made with no specific theme in mind except beauty, many of these painting are supposed to depict beauty in the eye of the beholder, but many of these painting may still seem dark and gloomy.
The first painting in the museum is by Guy Harvey, he painted a beautiful underwater theme, with the waves crashing above the sailfish as it chases small fish for food. Guy Harvey painted this painting and many of his others to portray the natural beauty of the ocean and everything inside of it.
The second painting in the museum is painted by Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky, a famous Russian painter for his seascapes, and known as one of the best artists who painted seascapes. Ivan was a world-renown
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This painting depicts a rocky shore being slowly wettened by the calm, beautiful ocean.
The ninth painting in the museum is "Night: Mediterranean Coast Scene with Fishermen and Boats" and was painted in 1753 by Claude-Joseph Vernet, this painting is very different from all of the others because in this painting the artist depicts a small ocean town, as everyone gets home at night from a long day of fishing. In this painting, everything is depicted in a dark, gloomy way, except the bright moon in the middle of the painting , and the fire in the corner of the painting.
The tenth painting in the museum is by Winslow Homer and is titled " Sunlight and Shadow, Prout's Neck" and was painted in 1894 in watercolors. Winslow depicts a rocky shore with large, powerful waves rolling in from the distance as dark clouds begin to roll in from the corner of the
At first glance, the Red Fish looks like a decoration piece that someone would hang in their home or lake house for decoration. However, with a more in depth look, viewers will see that this painting illustrates much more than it appears. In 1990, Leonard Koscianski used a piece of canvas, 64’’x46’’ to paint the image of a fish out of water. Koscianski used oil and dark shades of red, orange, blue, green, and white to create the Red Fish. The Red Fish was painted vertically with the fish as the main focus point. Behind some green blade grass, a large red- orange fish appears to be leaping out of the water. The size of the fish helps show that the fish is the center piece of the painting. Behind the fish there is a small patch of land, filled with blade grass with two white house’s sitting off in the distance. Directly behind the houses is a section of woods. From left to right, the tree tops seem to follow and up and down pattern. The dark blue sky begins at the tree line and ends at the top of the painting. Throughout the sky there are patches of clouds that are an off white color. The contrast between the colors used by Koscianski show a lot of detail, but did not take away from the huge red- orange fish. Along with the color scheme, Koscianski used lines to add detail to the fish and to provide depth to the painting. With proper use of colors and lines, Koscianski was able to create the Red Fish. In 1991, the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts
From our trip to the Norton Museum of Art one piece out of the allotted few struck me as odd and interesting. The Sailor's Barracks by Giorgio De Chirico is a oil on canvas impressionist/metaphysical work of art. The painting is composed of multiple small objects laid about somewhat carelessly on a tilted plane in the foreground with a long piece of architecture in the background that stretches towards the horizon.
The Painting selected for the collection is Mural 1943-1947 by Sante Graziani. Sante Graziani was an American artist and artist and art educator. He was known for his morals which adorned many public buildings. The painting allows for an effective opportunity to inspire and evoke interest for arts in students.
It must have been 13 years or so since I have been to the art museum, back in elementary school, on a one of a kind field trip. 13 years is way too long to have been away from the art museum, as my experience this year reminded me that. It was a beautiful, sunny October day, although it felt like July, and it was an even better day to talk a walk through the vast, mesmerizing pieces of art that the museum has to offer. The North Carolina Museum of Art provides an abundance of artwork from various time periods, cultures, and one can find art anywhere from Egyptian, to classical, to modern and contemporary art. The artwork that the museum provides not only displays an abundance of artwork, but
The artwork titled Summer Morning, New York Bay painted by Edward Moron in 1872 presents a scene where the artist looks toward the arising sun early in the morning the where the river meets the atlantic ocean near new York city. The overall effect is pearlscent and marvelous including glowing blue, yellow and brown. The morning calm is interrupted by the smokestacks and distant buildings out in the horizon. He created a scene that we can relate to by just looking at the drawing and feeling as if we are there enjoying it and all its dramatic scenary. He created detail of the water and waves and the boats awaiting to go. Edward moron designed this by applying principles of exploring the effects of light and atmosphere upon the water. He wanted
Narrative Thesis: In this painting there are a group of men that are trying to save a boy that is drowning. There is one man on the boat who is trying to get the shark away from the boy with a rod looking object. There are two men who are bending over the rim of the boat trying to get a grab of the boys arms. This scene seems to be happening in the middle of the sea, near a harbor full of ships. I believe the group of men came to rescue the little boy that's drowning and getting attacked by the shark.
Claude Monet’s piece titled Sunrise (Marine) illustrates the daylight in the industrial port of Le Havre of the north coast, France. This piece was made in March or April of 1873. The piece’s present location is the J. Paul Getty Museum, west pavilion, gallery w204. The medium is oil on canvas and is next to another piece made by Monet called The Portal of Rouen Cathedral in morning light. Claude Monet was part of the impressionist movement that changes French paintings of the nineteenth century. For Sunrise (1872), people criticized the paint due to the appearance of an unfinished painting, however other artist saw it as an honor and eventually called themselves “impressionist”. The painting brings out a beautiful image due to the colors, texture, and technique that plays an important role in society and culture.
Art has been part of our society since humanity existed. For countless years’ people been creating, observing, criticizing and appreciating art. Claude Monet’s piece titled Sunrise (Marine) illustrates the daylight in the industrial port of Le Havre of the north coast, France. This piece was made in March or April of 1873. The piece’s present location is the J. Paul Getty Museum, west pavilion, gallery w204. The medium is oil on canvas and is next to another piece made by Monet called The Portal of Rouen Cathedral in the morning light. Claude Monet was part of the impressionist movement that changes French paintings of the nineteenth century. For Sunrise (1872), people criticized the paint due to the appearance of an unfinished painting,
Dodge, an American born painter, created ‘Seascape’ circa 1920. The painting was done en plein air (outside) and displays the ocean near his studio home in Nantucket Bay, New York. It gives a realistic representation of
This one is similar to three of the others that I have looked at because it has what looks like bright 3D shapes that are toys. These are also floating out in the ocean. Unlike Giocattoli, these toys are wedged between a set of rocks in the ocean. It looks as though it is a shipwreck. I say shipwreck because there are masts sticking out of all of the colorful toys. Even though the shapes are bright, the masts and the water/sky in the background look more sad, and somber-like. The difference in color from the toys and the background give a confused feel to the painting. This one is called The Lost
When I was looking through 17th-18th century European artwork in the Norton Simon Museum, there was one piece of art that really stood out to me. That beautiful art piece was the Bay of Naples by Claude-Joseph Vernet. This piece stood out to me because of the beautiful scenery that is displayed and the deep serenity the piece gives me when I look at it. The Bay of Naples is a painting of a landscape that captures the daily life of the bay. The materials used for this painting was oil on canvas.
J.M.W. Turner is arguably one of the greatest artists that ever lived having played a huge role in the arts and painting industry. Turner’s innovative painting techniques have seen his works focus a lot on the scientific and technological advances made during the times he lived. It was his perspectives in painting that made him as outstanding among other painters of his time. For instance, one aspect that uniquely identified Turner’s works included the exceptional use of color and the presentation of more abstract paintings in his works. This led to many people claiming that J.M.W. Turner as the pioneer of the modern day landscape painting. This paper will examine a comprehensive analysis of how the natural beauty and the power of the sea
I visited the Toledo Museum of Art in Toledo, Ohio. The museum has many exhibits, three examples are the impressionism, classicism, and ancient art exhibits. Each exhibit had enjoyable visual works of art. I saw two paintings and two sculptures that were appealing to me. The paintings are The Garden of Eden and Athanor. The sculptures were Portrait of a Freedom Fighter and Hanging Mobile: Horizontal Black With Red Sieve.
The museum was very crowded when I arrived as well. There was an extraordinary amount of Greek, Egyptian, and Roman Catholic art pieces being displayed. Which is why I struggled trying to look for art pieces that were related to what topics about our art history class. Once I came back for the second time, I finally found a way to find the appropriate art pieces to write about. The organization of the pieces being presented was nice but hard to locate. Even with using the map, I realized that if the musuem is too busy, that it will be very easy to get lost. Luckily, I asked a lot of people to help guide me so I could find what I am looking for. In the end, I finally got the background information of the art pieces I needed. By the way, finding the Nolan Library was extremely hard and I had to ask about three people.
The painting Return From Fishing is roughly three feet by three and half feet. It is of average size and it was most likely created as a private commission. The viewer can easily imagine the painting being hung inside someone’s home. First the size makes it suitable to be placed inside a family or dining room. Secondly, the idolization and beauty of the composition makes it suitable for placement inside of someone’s home. When the owners are guests observe this painting, they see it as a pretty picture that captures the beauty of life on the Mediterranean. In contrast, the painting And they still the say the price of fish are expensive is much larger. This painting is roughly five feet by six and half feet. The pure size of the composition allows it capture the viewer’s attention. Unlike the other painting, this one would be placed in a salon or exhibition because of the large size. It is much to large to placed inside of someone’s home. Secondly, the scene that is depicted is not meant to be on display for enjoyment and admiration. No one would like to stare at a painting depicting a gruesome injury when they are eating dinner inside their