According to the Carroll Iwasiw and Dolly Goldenberg (2015), “ongoing evaluation is the deliberative, continues, repeated, and careful critique of curriculum ideas, products, and processes during and after their creation, implementation, and evaluation (p.49).” It means evaluators will check and make sure via more than one time about concepts, products, and procedures throughout ongoing assessment. The evaluation team will discuss and analysis the advantages and disadvantages about curriculum work during ongoing evaluation. Also, they will compare the new idea with the previous concepts that already presented and determined in the domains.
The value of ongoing assessment is to discover the evidence of the assessment in the curriculum. Each one in the group knows the value of his/her idea and knowledge about curriculum work. Faculty members, students, and stakeholders should be involved in ongoing assessment because each one has particular perspective and special idea about curriculum. However, faculty members have more opportunities to decide the final opinions more than other members because they previously have appropriate experience and knowledge about curriculum. The important things should be assessed in curriculum work are concepts, knowledges, professional judgement, products, processes throughout and after developed, implementation, and evaluation (Iwasiw & Goldenberg, 2015). Faculty can assure that ongoing assessment is built into
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(2015). Ongoing appraisal in curriculum work. (Eds.), Curriculum development in nursing education (pp. 49-57).
“I have neither given nor received, nor have I tolerated others' use of unauthorized aid.” Mohsin
According to the School curriculum and standards authority (2014) assessments should arise naturally out of teaching and intended learning developed from the curriculum and syllabus, the judgements made by educators assists in students ongoing learning (para. 1).
Assessment is an imperative part of the learning process. According to Stiggins and Chappuis (2012), “Assessment is, in part, the process of gathering evidence of student learning to inform instructional decisions. This process can be done well or poorly.” To learn more about assessment I sat down for a one on one interview with Jim Libretti. Coach Libretti is the head coach of the freshman football team at Paradise Valley High School. Also, he is a math teacher.
First, I’ll discuss Dr. Pieper’s introduction to assessment and her qualifications relative to the field. Second, I’ll describe current approaches for course, program, and institutional assessment at NAU. My conclusion imparts her advice and impact on assessment.
Assessments are vital to the educational process. They provide feedback about what the students know and what they may need to learn in order to obtain the content within a given curriculum. It provides teachers with a glimpse into the student’s readiness on a particular topic or subject. One of the six key principles of having an effective differentiated classroom is having a formative assessment that informs teachers on the effectiveness of their teaching. It also provides teachers with the readiness levels of their students and shows them exactly where the students’ readiness, interests, and learning profile needs really are (Tomlinson, 2014).
“On my honor, I pledge that I have neither given nor received any unacknowledged aid on this assignment.”
Assessing is a crucial component of education that informs teachers on individual development and understanding (Booker, Bond, Sparrow
I believe assessment is important and is the basis of planning for instruction, whether it is diagnostic prior to learning, formative during units or lessons, or summative to evaluate student learning. Rowan’s quote in Every Teacher’s Guide to Assessment, "After all, in the end, the problem is less the idea of testing itself, but how we design them, apply, them, and make use of their data." definitely has an impact on my assessment practices. I feel it is necessary to make sure the student acquires all aspects of the learning. Assessment should be used to bring a value for students. Within my instruction, I implement daily formative assessments which may include turn and share, quick writes, graphic organizers, online discussion responses, KahootIt, and other forms. Designing the appropriate formative assessment to match the lesson is important to assess how the learning is taught and whether the students are showing progress. In addition, I have worked on building blocks of formative assessments in checklist style leading up to the point of reviewing for a summative test. Each of these are checked off as completed and instant feedback is given. Feedback from an assessment is essential to student learning and how a teacher will ensure the content is being acquired.
These competencies are used to promote excellence within the advanced role as a nurse educator. Also, they help to identify the specialty area of nursing education and allow for a platform in which faculty are able to demonstrate and explore the entirety of their role. The nurse educator is equipped to prepare students in the academic or clinical setting. The curriculum within the nurse educator program is designed to integrate clinical foundations with advanced nursing concepts. Together, these concepts result in focused courses for the nurse educator profession (NLN, 2017). In my perspective, nurse educators are creative in their approach to combine their past experiences and passion for educating students as they educate and mentor future
Improved Assessment Literacy: Unlike the current education system that treats assessment more separated from teaching, the core teaching standards recognize that teachers need to have greater knowledge and skill on how to develop a number of assessments, how to balance use of formative and summative assessment as
Assessment will be an integral part of learning and teaching. It provides vital information on achievements across the four capacities. Assessment should be planned and used in ways which reflect the principles for curriculum design. The Curriculum for Excellence Benchmarks set out clear statements about what children need to know and be able to do to achieve a level across all curriculum areas.
Today, there are many challenges that are being faced by nursing educators due to ethical and professional nursing standards. Nurse educators are required to accomplish the role of both an educator and clinical instructor simultaneously. In the past, nurse educators for theory class and clinical rotations were hired separately. Part-time positions were given to clinical instructors because of their expertise in the field, unfortunately, they had little knowledge in teaching the theory portion of the class. On the contrary, theory-based faculty were mainly focused on the teaching components in a classroom setting and had less chance in keeping their skills current (Little & Miliken, 2007). Having concurrent role do question the capacity of a nurse educators. Is this goal feasible and achievable for nurse educators to handle today’s multifaceted health care structure? In order to accomplish these tasks, this author constructed a well-planned clinical currency strategy which will be discussed in this paper.
During my experience at Challenge Academy in Fall 2015 I heavily relied on continuous formative assessment to determine my student’s attentiveness and level of comprehension. At the beginning of each session I would have the student explain what she had previously covered to check her understanding and we would also discuss what areas she struggled with or enjoyed. Throughout lessons my student would respond to verbal questions I asked, get feedback on her answers through the comprehension check and quiz questions on Gradpoint, and demonstrate her understanding to me through drawings and work. After my student took her post-test we would take time to reflect on her progress and discuss a plan for how to continue improving.
Performance evaluations are a very important part of a business organization and places promotion and retain ability in the hands of the worker. According to Robbins and Judge,” Evaluations provide input into important decisions such as promotions, transfers, and terminations. Evaluations also identify training and development issues.”(pg.595 2009). There are several different theories and ways to conduct performance evaluations such as behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS), critical incidents, graphic rating scales, Forced comparison, group order rankings and individual ranking. Each of these systems can be used on their own for ranking employee performance but some organizations use a combination of systems.
Assessment procedures are not only used to evaluate student success but can also be used to evaluate the curriculum itself. Essentially, by assessing our students, we are also evaluating the curriculum. There are two categories assessments can be placed into; traditional and alternative. Both assessment approaches can prove useful in different ways. Traditional assessment includes multiple choice, true/false, matching, and completion tests. With the constant push towards raising statewide test scores it is hard to create a curriculum without having this in mind. At the elementary school level, students are required to take the PARCC assessment.