
Online Vs Classroom Analysis

Decent Essays

For some starting college is tough decision to make. The difficult decision is not whether to go to college, it is what class one should take, either online or an on-site class. This was a question I debated for a long time, until I finally chose between the two and decided to take an online class. Since I was enlisted in the military and about to transition to the civilian sector, I decided that online class would suite my need and give me the opportunity to take a college class since a class room setting was not available. After enrolling I realized that although online learning is beneficial, fast paced, and convenient it is not meant for some students including myself and on-site learning is a better fit for my situation. Online classes are fasted paced and allow the student to learn at their own pace. This is very beneficial for a student who cannot go to a classroom and take the class on-site in a classroom. However, there are some student that have trouble learning by just reading over the course material. …show more content…

After experiencing multiple issues, I felt that being in a classroom would be more efficient. From not having internet access through my transition process, to finally having access but the site is down for maintenance, as well as being is a completely different time zone, the process up until now has been a roller coaster of uncertainty. I believe that if I were to a classroom setting, the only downfall would be if I could not make it to the class or if the class was canceled for some unforeseeable reason. Although the class is convenient, it is only convenient if one has the opportunity to take advantage of its convenience such as being able to have uninterrupted access to the internet and are aware of the time change. After the switch from one time zone to the next and having to adjust to the differences, it is still difficult to adjust when one is losing a day such as I

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