
Online Student Analysis

Decent Essays

The student that I’ll be talking about is named Nia; she is a strong-willed learner who scored a S33,P32,TR22,C22. Nia is a online student that doesn’t have any family support. She is in no position to not ask for help! My first suggestion is to swallow her pride and take advantage of the support the school provides. Due to her being against accepting help, I would definitely stress that she should not skim through directions, in which she finds unclear. Nia needs to practice critical reading to become more of a successful college student! Another suggestion is she needs to take the teacher’s advice to proofread before posting. I always read what I wrote out loud because that’s the best way to catch things that don't sound right! Nia does not …show more content…

She would connect better with the outside world if she knew to tether these learning patterns. The most important advice I could give Nia would be to start accepting feedback along with respecting others’ opinions. Just as I said earlier, take advantage of the support the school provides! Seeing her lack of family support together with being an online student she should use the opportunity of the school’s guidance. It was really hard for me pick an assignment, in which I didn’t use intentional learning patterns. I scored a S27, P28, TR18 and C22 on my test. Then I realized in week three I struggled the most with focusing. In discussion two of chapter three, I didn’t use my learning patterns correctly. I needed to tether my sequence and precision. I literally used a whole notebook while taking notes for chapter two! I realized I gathered to much information in result of my high precision; when I did the discussion two in week three. I skimmed through everything I read making the noted I took mediocre. Something I will do in the future is avoiding gathering to much information, therefore i won’t take to many notes. Also, I’ll make sure I summarize an outline only the key

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