
Open Up Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

Hey guys, welcome back to another video. This isn’t going to be my conventional sort of video, but rather a call for change. This is a topic I’ve been wanting to talk about for a long amount of time, and I’m ready to open up. I’ve come to a point in life where there needs to be a change. What better time to use the platform I have, than now?

Many of you know, I was in a relationship not too long ago with a girl. I was stupidly and hopelessly in love. I say this because I was oblivious to the pain that this relationship caused me. Causing someone else hurt is not normal, and no one should have to feel as if it is.

This is hard for me to say out loud, since the media has shaped our society to live up to certain expectations based on our …show more content…

On top of this, there was psychological and emotional abuse. This caused me to develop depression and anxiety until I realized I needed help. Coming to terms with my situation, and putting my health before others was a hard thing to do. Finally, one day I had enough of it all, and I left her.

I know what I’m telling you guys isn’t extremely detailed, but my story is not the entire purpose of this speech. I’m here to discuss the media, and it’s influence on gender stereotypes in regards to domestic violence. It’s my greatest wish that none of you watching my video will have to go through what I did. Also, my heart goes out to any of you that have experienced a similar situation.

Growing up, I noticed boys were always told to never to touch a woman. We were told this by the people who raised us, but why? Why is it that guys can’t touch girls, but girls can touch guys? This idea of never touching women has somehow manifested into the idea that men are always at fault. Who is to blame for this manifestation? I blame the media, for a variety of …show more content…

Does it seem normal to just have female victims in the vicinity of abuse? Of course, it could never be the other way around, since stereotypes are always accurate!

But do any of you guys think about male victims? Contrast to popular belief, 1 in 4 of the victims involved with domestic violence are men (Black et al. 44). Therefore, shouldn’t there be as much coverage on stories where the victim is a male? Male victims are often unrecognized by the media, because they do not fit the stereotype that is set. Again, it’s been drilled into our heads that men are the perpetrators and women are the victims. Men are supposed to be strong, while women are weak, making them the easier target. How could a male be a victim of abuse? According to the media, there is no way men can be victims alongside women.

We as a society have been so brainwashed by the media to listen to stereotypes. The expectations that have been set by the media have shaped the culture we live in today. It’s come down to the generalization that men are strong and women are

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