
Operant Learning Analysis

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Recognizing the different learning processes is a vital step in understanding how others learn around you. Whether you realize it or not, there are many different learning processes occurring around you at this very moment. From classical conditioning learning to latent learning, all learning processes will help you adapt to a new situation, or help further your knowledge in a familiar situation. I have experienced several instances of classical conditioning learning, operant conditioning learning, observational learning, and latent learning throughout my lifetime. Studying these learning processes have opened my mind about how others around me will often learn on a daily basis, helping me better understand others ways of learning.
Classical conditioning will occur when two stimuli are paired on a consistent basis, causing a persistent reaction between the two. Throughout the span of my life, I have experienced several instances of …show more content…

Operant conditioning can occur in a setting with children, especially in a school setting where there is an abundance of operant conditioning taking place. In the school setting, I have witnessed many instances of operant conditioning learning. For example, many schools have a positive reinforcement program (PBIS), and also have a behavior management plan. These are prime examples of operant conditioning learning.
Observational learning takes place when a person learns solely based off observations they have noticed. Similar to operant conditioning learning, there are many instances of observational learning that I have noticed in the school setting. In most cases, the teacher in the classroom will be a role model to the students, teaching them the importance of good behavior. This is a prime example of observational learning, where the students observe the behavior of the teacher, and, in most cases, they follow the behaviors of the

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