While the lesson is being followed I will walk around the classroom and ensure students are on task. This will be done through two way, firstly, observation in which I will look for signs of students getting off task. Such things as looking overly board, checking their phone often, staring off into the room, or talking when they are not suppose to. If these signs are seen I will first ask if there is a problem and if there is not one, I will instruct the student to get back on task. For these students I will ensure I look over their KWL charts, as well as the opinion-proof worksheet. I will of course do this in passing to every student, furthermore, I will ask questions throughout the lesson plan to help direct students while they work. For
Teacher observes the class to check for understanding of the form of the piece and guides the class as needed.
The teacher will continuously carry out assessments and reviews taking into consideration the surroundings, the schedule, themselves and their learners in order that aims and objectives are met and
I encourage children to participate in classroom activities and to honor the classroom rules. I listen to what the children say and expand upon their language, building their vocabulary and background knowledge. I understand when to teach directly, when to provide time for exploration and discovery, when to practice skills, and when to encourage creativity. I plan activities that have a purpose and that challenge children. We have site words, colors, shapes, letters, and numbers posted throughout the classroom. In small group time we have enrichment work that is fun as well as educational. We also have calendars that we send home with the parents that have daily activities on them to help the children to learn while at home. The parents also have the opportunity to view the lesson plan because it is posted on the wall in the
All rules are displayed in every classroom, children are addressed in assembly everyday and rewarded for good work at the end of the week with pupil of the week, house points, any certificates gained and rewards for good behaviour.
In an informal discussion between myself and the class teacher we would determine our roles throughout the activities, what teaching styles will be used to match the needs of the individual children or groups. Discussing the individual children and preparing to provide additional support ensuing all needs are met, any barriers that may become apparent during the lesson can be overcome without fuss.
A sense of order within the class can be managed by presenting lessons effectively and establishing positive relationships with pupils- based on mutual respect and rapport. I will, as a tutor, have to develop skills in managing behaviour and use a variety of tactics in order to develop an understanding of students individually and as a group. Hopefully, I will be able to combine that with the correct approach to planning, my approach, the resources to use in order to deal with barriers learners may have adopted towards learning and to maintain a good level of motivation.
I don’t have a steady classroom. I have different students throughout the day. I usually have between eight and 12 students at a time. The class is small so I can have “eyes in the back of my head” and give students the attention they needs.
I like to make all of my students feel important, speaking to them directly, using eye contact, using their name, asking them direct questions.At first, I carry out an evaluation to test their prior knowledge, their preferred learning styles and to assess if any additional support is needed. I can then change the teaching level to fit new conditions and pitch it correctly to each individual.
Once have identified the students needs and have planned and designed the course I can then deliver or facilitate the learning. I can use different styles and activities to keep the students interested. I can invite comments and discussions to enhance their learning. This could promote inclusion of the quietest of the students and also give me time to carefully observe and assess their learning . I may need ice breakers and energisers at times and also maintain any ground rules that may have been agreed at the beginning of the course by the students. I must conform to codes of practice at all times ensuring also that I promote respect, equality and diversity. I will also try to embed language, literacy, numeracy,and ict
I will establish an authoritarian classroom to make sure the students behave. I will not be a strict teacher, but I will have to stand up enough to be in control of them. I will keep the classroom organized the particular way I described earlier unless the need to rearrange the room occurs. To help keep up students’ motivation I will try a variety of teaching methods and supplements to keep things interesting. I will try my best to keep a constant good attitude and not take out my personal frustrations on my pupils.
Assessment: I would take surveys of the class and use student work to come to conclusions about weather I need to adapt and a lesson plan or not. I would also ask students questions to see if they are understanding and learning effectively from the way that I am teaching
During my observation time in a kindergarten classroom, I have noticed that the students have a wide variety of abilities, attention spans, interests, and love for learning. When it comes to the teacher’s instructional strategies, she intentionally takes into consideration all of the above characteristics to make sure each student gets what they need to be most successful. During lessons students are engaged because of the teacher’s ability to implement interests of the student’s into things and giving them options. If an error occurs during a lesson, the teacher normally, allows for the student who got something wrong to try again, or to call on a friend to help them out. This way the students are still giving the answers and not the teacher just telling them the information. The teacher chooses a lot of small group instruction and centers where she can work with a small group, but then, easily monitor all the other groups to make sure they are on task and doing their work.
This is a method where you split the class into learning groups to learn about a particular aspect of a general topic. Once the children master their aspect, the groups get shuffled up so that there is a master from each aspect to teach the others in the group they have been assigned to. Everyone’s knowledge is compiled together to gain a full understanding of the general topic. This also shows the students that they can learn from their peers and use them as resources. Another way of minimizing pressure is to put less emphasis on grades. One way of doing this could be to create a folder for each student where they will put what they see as being their best work. When going through their folder, “Focus on progress and demonstrated learning in their work” (Specific Classroom Management Methods). Show the student how much they have improved with time.
Although I have been in the classroom for three years, this is my first year with my very own classroom. With this being said, I am still figuring out what works and what does not. The children are not the only ones learning this year! As I mentioned above, every learner is unique and I work hard every day trying to discover how I can effectively teach each of my eighteen students. Understanding the different learning styles of your students and how to implement them is one of the
The third observation that I was in was with my mentor so I had seen that class before and I was used to them staying on task pretty well. I talked with my mentor and wanted to make sure I was understanding the culture of the classroom correctly. I wanted to see if they were always as attentive as they were that day and the days that I am usually in the room. She told me that they really are. The problems that she has with them really fall more on the shoulders of them not wanting to answer and having different participation from class to class. 2nd hour answers more than 4th and 6th hour answers more than both of them. She says it really takes some restructuring to prepare for each class knowing how each class will differ when it comes to the classroom discussions or