Opportunities come and go. If I was handed a ticket to anywhere in the world I would most definitely choose Guatemala. Guatemala is known to be on of the places in Latin America where world hunger is seen everywhere you go. The reason that I choose Guatemala out of any other beautiful country is due to the fact that I've personally been there. Nice grown palm trees was the first thing I saw when I arrived to Guatemala, along with young kids walking around the streets with no sense what so ever. If I was given a ticket to go anywhere in the world I would most definitely take advantage of that to go out and help all of those kids and young mothers who see themselves with out a home and with out a daily meal to look forward to.Before anything,The
In our presentation we choose to research about Guatemala education system. For the presentation I was in charge of finding the cost of going to school and what they are taught in school. When researching the cost I found out that only 35% attend middle school and less attend high school. The reason for these is because they would have to pay to go to high school it cost about $600-$1,200, and most can not afford to go. Also, most people need their kids to work to help support their family, so they usually drop out of school around 6th grade. The 2nd thing I research was what they are taught and the teachers in schools. The subject they are taught are just like in America for example language, science, mathematics, and history. In Guatemala
A mother's role plays an important part in Guatemalan families. The mothers eat less food so that their kids can eat more. Women eat Chirmol in most communities, it is a (cooked, mashed tomato with some salt), pasta, a rice or oatmeal based drink, and sometimes beans. Mothers in indigenous communities usually give birth at home not at a hospital. A child is five times more likely to die before their fifth birthday in Guatemala than in the United States. 9 out of 10 rural schools don't have books for education. 50% of Guatemalans, mostly rural indigenous, live in inadequate houses. Girls in Guatemala have the least access to education. Over a million houses in Guatemala are cobbled together with cornstalks, cane, and scavenged materials.
With there being so much different, I definitely will put visiting Guatemala on my bucket list, and hopefully I will get you to do the same. Guatemala’s name comes from the Maya- Toltec language meaning “land of the trees”. Guatemalans are known for their amazingly fresh and tasty food. Food in Guatemala is an important
Cape Verde's economy is vulnerable and depends on developmental aid and foreign investment heavily. Although they depend on developmental aid heavily, Cape Verde has been able to have notable economic growth and improvement in living conditions, which has garnered them international recognition. For the last ten years, the UN has classified Cape Verde as a developing nation rather than a least developed country.
I studied many things about Guatemala such as, the culture, religion, food, population, geography, imports, exports, and most popular of all sports. The sports of Guatemala is something I found very interesting.
The country was foreign, a first for me. Dilapidation and ruin scattered the horizon as far as one could see. Guatemala is a place where poverty has a strong grasp on its people. We traveled tirelessly for hours to reach the poorest of the poor. Upon arrival old, young, and natives of all shapes and sizes formed receiving lines, eager to welcome us with gifts of smiles and gratitude. It was an experience that forever changed me. This was the first time I had stepped outside the boundaries of the American culture into a world where nothing is taken for granted. Each day spent on my mission trip brought a fresh awareness of gratefulness. Any pre-trip reluctance quickly became a vague memory as my emotions welled within bring a fresh change to
In this chapter the author describes the religious impact specifically Catholic Church on the politics of Guatemala; while Catholic influence was strong in Guatemala, the church had to work to keep out other religious influences such as Protestantism. The primary source is about archbishop Oscar Romero, he taken aback by the death of his friend who died at the hand of the government security forces; in his speech he says while there is a lot of suffering in the country, in the end God has a plan for all of us, he encourages the people to work for reform and freedom; he also pleads to the soldiers to stop killing because the message that comes from God is something they should follow over any order given by a government.
Land ownership and distribution are extremely unequal in Guatemala. This is immensely unfair because “2% of landowners hold 65% of the arable land”("Guatemala Country"). Due to these extreme numbers, the distribution of land “is one of the most unequal in the hemisphere” ("Guatemala Country"). As a result of this, lower-class citizens have no way of earning money other than taking a, usually laborious and low-paying, job. Not only is this causing a low quality of life for many Guatemalans, this is also contributing greatly the chronic poverty in Guatemala.
Food insecurity can be defined as the lack of access to adequate food, limited by money and other resources. Guatemalan people are unfortunately a perfect example of people living with food insecurities. With majority of the population living in poverty and the country as a whole often experiencing draught and less than ideal weather conditions, many adults and children are malnourished and the children are mostly stunted. Guatemala is currently facing a interesting malnutrition problem. Malnutrition in Guatemala is affecting localized farmers outside of the city.
My biggest fear was the decision of whether to stay in Guatemala with my mother and sister, or move to the US with my father to seek better opportunities. One decision meant keeping the usual deposits from my father, while the other involved a cut in half of this child support. The harsh choice to leave my mother with a living spend of 500$ a month or stay in Guatemala and somehow convince my father to keep on sending 1000$. Both of these horrified me to no extent, but a decision had to be made. I did not have any other options, but only to decide between my mother’s warm and familiar wing, and my father’s cold and unfamiliar presence. Luckily, maturity sprouted out of my chest as a butterfly out of a cocoon, and I concluded that sacrifice
Although Guatemala struggles with high rates of poverty, crime, and instability, they are experiencing economic growth, specifically in the tourism industry, which is one of the main sources of economic growth. Guatemala receives roughly two million tourists annually.
Food security is defined as when all people have access to enough safe and healthy food to fit the preferences and needs of each person for a healthy life. Food sovereignty is one’s right to both nutritious and culturally appropriate food through ecologically safe methods. This means that even if people have food to eat, it does not necessarily mean they have food security nor food sovereignty (Rosenberger 2012:17). This also means that in a country, the poor must have as much access to nutritious and culturally relevant food as the wealthy in order to have true food security and sovereignty.
The United States for years has been a country full of opportunities. Because of the freedoms, the United States is a country full of many different types of people with their own cultures and different views of life. A reason for this is that, the United States is promoted as an interwoven country. The United States is the land of opportunities, but it can also be big in diversity and exclude others because of their culture or just because of the fact that people are not the same skin color. The color of one’s skin can also predict what opportunities people have in life. The United States may have a pluralistic society, but it can also be the most diverse country. Everyone in the United States no matter which race wants to achieve the American
America is seen as the land of endless opportunity, the place where anything can happen. To some people, you can come to America with nothing but the clothes on your back and you can become the greatest person in the world. To a select group of people, however, it can be trial after trial with no payoff. Some may see America as an opportunity country, but only if you are a certain race. If you are any type of race besides Caucasian, chances are that it can be a struggle because most of the opportunities are given to the whites because they are seen as the “superior race”, so they try to support each other and keep the others out.
Coca-Cola has been around for many generations and is a well- known product throughout the globe. Breaking into a new area where it may be not as familiar with the citizens of Cuba is a new position that Coca-Cola hasn’t been as accustomed to in recent history. Now that the embargo between the United States and Cuba has been lifted and the Obama Administration has been lifted there is an opportunity for Coca-Cola to re-enter the market (as discussed earlier). These opportunities include hotels and resorts, places Americans may be staying, giving them a familiar product that they are custom to. The other opportunities are the Cuban natives and being a big contributor to the Cuban past times such as baseball.