
Oppression Against Sexist Oppression

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Combatting Sexist Oppression
Sexist oppression is the intersection of all systems of dominance that women face. It encompasses the forms of subjugation that predominate society, including racism, classism, colonialism, ableism, etc., and the societal structures that enable them to exist. As bell hooks notes, "feminism is the fight to end sexist oppression" (24). Dismantling sexist oppression is vital because it is at the epicenter of all repression and discrimination. Women cannot liberate themselves from the profound experience of sexism without addressing sexist oppression. In order to begin combatting this issue, humans must act to eliminate gender norms, violence against women, invisible labor, and promote female leadership and historical self-evaluation.
One of the most important actions that must be taken to end sexist oppression is the elimination of harmful stereotypes and social norms surrounding femininity. There are pervasive expectations ingrained in society about how women must think and behave. These constructs create a narrow definition of who women can be and perpetuate the marginalization of women who do not conform to the societal perception of femininity. This is also true for women's appearance. As Kathy Piess discusses in "Making Faces: The Cosmetics Industry and the Cultural Construction of Gender", the cosmetics industry defined beauty along lines of class and race (359). This created strict racially charged standards around what women must look like

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