
How Does Animal Farm Make An Allegorical Critique Of North Korea?

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Comparing humans to animals typically offends people, but Animal Farm serves as an example of North Korea. George Orwell wrote Animal Farm to make an allegorical critique of the Russian government. North Korea, like Orwell’s novel, depicts the cycle of oppression. Both portray the repeat of maltreatment through overworking, obstruction of free speech, and misinformation. Power reverts back to tyranny and removing those in leadership’s way while giving themselves credit for all accomplishments. Workers in North Korea experience oppression, which occurs abundantly in Animal Farm. Government overworks people and rewards them with the bare minimum. Fourteen to fifteen hours of work in North Korea earns only a handful of corn. Similarly, Mr. Jones forces the animals to do excessive labor for just enough food to survive(5-6). Criticism of the government results in severe punishment. North Koreans who express dissatisfaction with the leadership disappear to labor camp. In the book, the dogs slaughter animals, such as the hens, found conspiring with Snowball(75-76). Those in power withhold information and spread misinformation. North Korea portrays other governments excessively negatively, such as …show more content…

Power shifts from one dictator and to another. North Korean rule transitioned from the Japanese to the Kim dynasty. Snowball and Napoleon overthrow Mr. Jones, but power shifts to the power-hungry Napoleon(12, 48). Leaders execute people in power’s way. Kim Jong Un executed at least seventy senior officials and his uncle to ensure his power. In Animal Farm, power-hungry Napoleon forces Snowball out of the farm(48). Leaders receive all the credit for all accomplishments. In North Korea, the “Dear Leader” tells people that thanks to “his love and consideration,” they “are drinking milk today.” Animals similarly thank Napoleon for accomplishing tasks(82-83). The government continues the tyranny in North Korea just like Animal

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