
Oral Cancer Research Paper

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Oral cancer is one of the most common and threatening disease. Thousands have died and are continuing to die today in the United States and around the world. Numerous of people have been diagnosed from oral cancer this year in the United States and other countries like South Asia or in the Northwestern Europe. This typical cancer infused with strength can cause severe pain, discomfort, numbness around and inside the mouth. If the cancer is not treated quickly and properly,the cancer can spread to the body and affect other organs eventually leading to a death road. Oral cancer is sometimes difficult to cure if it's not detected on time in an early stage and it´s important to have precaution and spread awareness for this disease.
Oral cancer …show more content…

A common tool used to detect oral cancer is an endoscopy, is a lighted scope that can also be used to see if the cancer had spread through the throat. Imaging tests, like x-rays, are other great ways to be able to diagnose patients with oral cancer (Christian). When patients are now diagnosed with oral cancer doctors make sure at what stage their cancer is in. Oral cancer has about four stages depending of the tumor's growth and where it has spread through the body will determine on what stage it is found. In stage (I), the tumor is under 1 inch in diameter and has not reached nearby lymph nodes. If for any case the tumor has reached any lymph nodes, found in the head or in the neck, then it's more likely that the tumor will have access to spread through other organs like affecting your blood stream or bones. Stage (II), the tumor is over 1 inch and has not reached any nearby lymph nodes. In stage (III), The tumor can be 2 inches in diameter, and is possible to touch a nearby lymph node. In stage (IV), the cancer has aggressively flourished to other lymph nodes on the same and opposite side of the neck and has spread to other parts of the body ( Christian ). The earlier oral cancer is discovered the better results the patient will have. Mainly 90% of people with stage (I) or (II) will be able to survive at least five years after being treated, others diagnosed with later stages of oral cancer have minimum chances to stay cancer-free for the next five

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