
Order Size Analysis

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Order Size Analysis 1. Logistics management is a complex issue that requires both economic and technical skills. Less than truck load is represented by shipments that are less than a trailer load in size. Carriers that focus on LTL use certain types of hubs that are placed strategically in order to sort and consolidate LTL shipments into full truck shipments. Basically, these carriers' objective is to arrange different orders in order to efficiently use the space in their trailers. Full truck loads refer to situations where products in the order in case occupy the entire trailer. This means that order sizes cannot be infinitely variable. They depend on numerous factors. In less than truckload carriers' case, several orders are put in the same trailer. They are arranged based on their size, volume, shape, in order to make efficient use of the space in the trailer. The size of the initial order can be variable. This is because being the first batch put into the trailer, it does not matter its size, if it fits the trailer in case. But other order that follow the initial one are consider to adapt their size in accordance with the remaining space or to wait for another transportation trailer. In the case of full truck load trailers, the size of the order depends on the size of the trailer (Murray, 2012). If the company that makes the order intends to use full truck loads, it is important to organize the products in case in order to occupy the entire trailer. It is

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