
Ordinary People Reflection

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In the book, Ordinary People, by Judith Guest, Conrad Jarrett undergoes different stages in life that occur after his incident. Throughout these phases he sees a change in himself as a whole. The most pivotal moment in his psychological and moral development transpires when Dr. Berger comes into Conrad's life. Dr. Berger becomes his guiding principle that eventually leads him to progress in areas he struggles in such as forgiveness, happiness, and acceptance. Through these developments Conrad is able to remain to who he once was but continue to live on with life.
As a result of his visitations with Dr. Berger, Conrad learns to seek for forgiveness not only in his family but especially in himself. Essentially, in his life he struggles to understand the concept of a guiding principle, “A belief of some kind. A bumper sticker, if you will” (pg. 1). A guiding principle in Conrad’s life that really helped him to forgive others was Dr. Berger, he consistently pushes Conrad to look at things from different perspectives and to release all the anger and guilt he feels inside. Notably, Berger was there the night Conrad needed help, “I need to see you, he whispers” (pg. 219), in a moment of disparity, Berger evaluates Conrad and concludes that he still feels at fault for practically everything that happened in his life. At his lowest moments, any time that Conrad spends with Berger he begins to realize that he will only find growth in himself once he stops putting the blame on anyone

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