
Organic Molecules Lab

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Background Information: Molecules are groups of atoms that have unique, specific properties. They are responsible for everything around you, including you. That is where organic molecules come in. Organic molecules are very important to us, they make up all life on earth. Without organic molecules, life would not be possible. The organic molecules are very different from one another. There are four types of organic molecules, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. They are all organic molecules, but their properties and uses are extremely different. They are so diverse due to one of the atoms they all share, carbon. Carbon is a very important atom to the organic molecules. Due to its atomic properties it is what make …show more content…

By conducting tests on the vomit found at the crime scene we will be able to identify who it belongs to. This will identify who was with him. If we analyze the presence or absence of certain organic molecules, than we will be able to identify what foods were consumed by the person who vomited. This is because the combinations of organic molecules will be unique for each suspects meals. Depending on what the unique combination of organic molecules are, we will be able to see who vomited. If the tests show that there are lipids and simple sugars, then the vomit is the Wife’s because she had a soda and french fries. If the test reveals there are lipids and proteins, then it is the Butler’s vomit because the butler had steak. If the test reveals there is lipids, proteins, and simple sugars, then it was the Victim because he had ice cream and chocolate syrup. If the vomit has lipids, proteins, and starch, then it was the Best Friend because he had a hamburger. If the vomit contained none of the organic molecules, then it was the Mistress because she only had …show more content…

I think that the Butler had a quarrel with the victim. Whether it was over pay, conditions, respect, duties, etc., something drove the Butler to a state of mind so unstable he was willing to kill. Then, after he committed the murder he finally vented away all of his anger. This made him realize what he had done and the consequences. Feeling sick, he threw up then fled the scene before cleaning up due to his nerves. While I believe that this can clear some names, I do not think that it is enough to prove someone guilty of a crime. While we did identify the organic molecules present in the vomit we did not prove that the vomit had steak. We did not prove that it was not a different person who just happened to have a meal containing lipids and proteins. If we did more forensic test we could have had more proof. The New York Times states that suitable DNA evidence can be extracted from vomit. Doing DNA tests on the suspect and vomit could more solidly prove that someone committed the crime. Instead of the possible coincidence of eating the same meal, you would have the DNA evidence, which is so unique you could not say that it is a coincidence. This does not mean that organic molecule tests are not useful to the forensic science field though. They can be used to really narrow down a list of subjects. It can also help to prove someone innocent or guilty in a court case. The tests are very valuable and provide

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