
The Roles Of Forensic Science In Criminal Investigation

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Role of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation

Forensic science is the application of scientific techniques in collecting and analyzing physical evidence in criminal cases. Forensic science has really advanced over the years. The first recorded application of medical knowledge to the solution of a crime was in a Chinese book, His Duan Yu (the washing away of wrongs), written in 1248. It contains a description of how to distinguish drowning and strangulation. These days, we have ways of telling whether the person was drowned intentionally or not and if their strangulation was accidental or a murder.

The role of forensic science services starts at the crime scene with the recognition and recovery of physical evidence. It proceeds with its analysis and the evaluation of the results in …show more content…

The scientific and technical literature of forensic science and criminalistics focuses on those laboratory methods used to examine and interpret physical evidence collected from the scenes of crimes. After all, it is the information that can be derived from the physical evidence that drives the physical evidence collection and examination process. Scientific laboratory techniques hold the potential of developing information from the physical clues left at the crime scene that can assist in determining what transpired at the scene and who was (and was not) involved.

Advancements in forensic science are constantly developing through the application of evidence and the growth of technology. The factual scientific evidence that is gathered at each crime scene must be understood as solid evidence, given that a suspect can be granted freedom or confinement because of the applied techniques used for or against his case. Because forensics provides the most accurate point in investigation of a crime scene, we must understand that the best way to identify criminals is through the application of forensic

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