
Osmoregulation: The Hypothalamus In The Brain

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There are important systems that are involved in the control for homeostatic of osmoregulation which occurs in a negative feedback control cycle. To prevent the loss or gain of water from the cell in the body, the water potential of the blood is regulated which is controlled by the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus in the brain is able to notice changes in the water potential through a type of neuron that is permanently present called osmoreceptors (- negative feedback ‘receptor’ for osmoregulation) that are capable of detecting water concentration/ water potential of blood as it passes through the hypothalamus through the osmoreceptors that they send out. The hypothalamus (- negative feedback ‘controller’ for osmoregulation) receives the message …show more content…

When a heathy individual doesn’t consume ecstasy the endocrine system that is link with the hypothalamus regulates hunger, thirst, and body temperature. The osmoreceptors detected the osmotic pressure in the red blood cells and sends the osmotic pressure signal to the hypothalamus in the brain and detects the change of water in red blood cells. In order to keep the internal environment stable at an optimum water potential, the hypothalamus will decided whether to produce antidiuretic hormone (ADH) or not into the pituitary glands that is transported to the kidney tubles. ADH will only increase the permeability of the kidney tubles for water to be reabsorbed into the blood if the red blood cells have a lower osmotic pressure than the cytoplasm in the red blood cells. Whereas, on the other hand ADH can decrease/ inhibit when the solution outside of the red blood cells has a higher osmotic pressure than the cytoplasm in the red blood cells. This is done to maintain the osmoregulation internal environment at an optimum level for a heathy person in this case leahs friend Sandy who did not experience a huge amount of thirst compared due to the hypothalamus controlling the amount of ADH needed in

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