
Othentic Monologue

Decent Essays

I am innocent. Why don’t you believe me? Is it because of Laci? Don’t believe that bitch, every word out of her mouth is a lie. So, if it’s not Laci, why don’t you believe me? Do you think I’m crazy? Maybe, if I explain my side of the story, I can change your mind. It all started when I met Julien. Now, don’t get me wrong, he was a nice guy and all, but he got on my nerves. For the most part, we were friends. I mean, we got into arguments here and there, but nothing too serious. That is, until a few weeks ago. I used to trust him. I felt that he would keep my secrets, and he seemed like the type of person to offer good advice. He never let me down, at least not until Laci came along. Once he met Laci, he was obsessed with her. She was all he talked about, day and night, and eventually, they ended up dating. Of course, that meant I was left alone and Julien …show more content…

That’s far beyond “okay.” He hurt me more than I ever would’ve thought a person could be hurt. About a month into his relationship with Laci, I began to get texts from Julien about his problems. Assuming he came to his senses and decided to start talking to me again, I responded and gave him the best advice I could muster. After about a month or so of complaints, he finally made the decision to break up with her; he said he thought he had feelings for someone else, anyway. Naturally I supported him in his decision, because frankly, Laci is a bitch and I didn’t want him to get hurt from her bullshit. Later in the night, he had texted me saying he had done it. For a while after that, he would tell me about this other girl he liked and asked for advice. I told him she seemed nice and that he should tell her how he feels. If I only knew what was really happening, I wouldn’t be here right now. None of this would be happening. Julien would still be here, and you wouldn’t be sitting here listening to my story and thinking I’m

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