
Our Helpless Dependance on Technology

Decent Essays

Technology started out as a necessity, people needed it back when they weren't guaranteed safety, heat, shelter etc. Technology similarly started off by accidental discoveries that slowly morphed into technology today. Technology in the past is much more different than what it is today. Take the example of fire. Fire started by accident but furthermore led to expansion into creating bigger fires. To be exact this happened because there was a need to keep warm and have a source of light. The discovery may have led to the idea that they need more fires. Maintaining fires accordingly may have led into the discovery of cooking, because of the need to cook and food to be nutritious must have been very important. Technology in the past meant slowly advancing to make lives easier. If you see technology today the first few things you think are, computers, tablets, and other common household objects. With the fast pace of technology today, technology is harming our businesses, brains and our bodies. The fast pace of technology as a result has played a big part in running us and our society. As technology advances (which is a good thing) so does our total dependency on it makes it run our society. The fast pace of technology consequently doubles our dependency therefore harming us physically, emotionally and physcologically.

Technology isn't the reason why it is hurting us, it is our dependence on technology that hurts. To illustrate the idea of the dependance on technlogy when the

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