
Outline Of Chapter 13 Apush

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Chapter 13- The Socialist Challenge
In the 1900’s there were many social reform movements to help improve wages healthcare education and sanitation. The term Muckraker was popularized in the 20th century, spearheaded by writer such as Upton Sinclair, Jack London and frank Norris. They wrote articles in the news “exposing” the food sanitation industries, which lead to greater government regulations. Socialists and Communists began to stir up trouble with workers which lead to one of the first Red scares in the United States. I had no idea that there were so few regulations on food in the 1900’s.
Chapter 14- War is the health of the State
WWI is raging over in Europe started mostly for control of land and influence in Africa, Asia and Latin America. …show more content…

President Johnson used the Gulf of Tonkin as an excuse to declare war on Vietnam, which was believed to be fabricated, and was easily able to obtain the War Powers Act from congress. This lead to major protests from around the whole country, many thought the war was immoral, and many thought that the United States had no valid reason to intervene with the foreign affairs in Vietnam. This and many other protests from around the country made the 19060’s to be one of the most hostile decades in American history. In 1968 a killing of over 400 Vietnamese civilians later named the My Lai Massacre only added fuel to the protests flames, and it was clear that most Americans now disapproved of the war in Vietnam. 1969 these protests seemed to force politicians to end the …show more content…

The United States became a part of NAFTA which ended tariff customs, which made it harder for American companies to compete with the cheaper Latin American goods. A new Environmental movement was gaining speed and ranted about global warming and the need for clean energy and the use of renewable resources in the United States. This was only the start of the environmental activist movement in the United

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