
Outsiders In Research

Satisfactory Essays

Review boards should always contain people who are not scientists to ensure their result or opinion wouldn’t be skewed to one side or the other. And having an outsider help prevent that from happening because scientist tend to believe things happened in certain ways that could lead to bias result. In addition, having people who are not scientist can help explain occurred events in a different perspective or different idea. Having outsider can also help to ensure the data is not skew or bais, can make the announcemnet of the result for the review more believable and more people would agree to it because it is not strongly skewed toward one side. And we public want to see unskewed, clear, and fair result and review especially when it come to medical realted issue. …show more content…

And people who have less knowledge should also have the right to participate in review board to ensure that the result won’t be bais. I also think that the review board group size could be randomized. However, in that specific group, no less than half of the group have to be outsiders which mean they are scientist or medical realted to help provide a more balance and less bais review. Their occupation should not be limited because it will help bring in more diversity or variety into the review board. It is crucial to provide a fair and unbais review for people who requested it. A lot of research or study actually hire outside group or outsider to monitor their data or review the process of how the data is collected to make sure that no bias or skew will be used while building a strong conculsion of the

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