
Over-Diagnosing ADHD

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The controversial issue of over-diagnosing ADHD and the subjective matter of psychiatry is a topic that is shrouded in misconception and lack of understanding within the American public. An apparent epidemic of ADHD overdiagnosis has increased the number of young children taking psychostimulants and this dramatic increase has been a cause for concern in the United States. ADHD is one of the most prominent mental illnesses in the United States and the effect to which it is diagnosed -especially in young children- has become a significant problem and raised the question about the credibility of psychiatry. ADHD is a mental illness that is defined by a persistent and repeating pattern of two different but sometimes intertwined groups of symptoms: …show more content…

The descriptions in DSM can be interpreted differently and there is limited assessment in psychiatry which means that due to the limited knowledge of the brain and behavior, a mental health professional can only understand so much about the psychology of humans with the restricted information. For example, a psychologist in Massachusetts performed and evaluated an experiment and discovered that only 22 percent of 92 children referred to an ADHD clinic actually met criteria for ADHD. These disturbing numbers indicate that many children referred for treatment do not have the disorder as formally defined and in that case, ADHD was misdiagnosed in 78% of the cases. In many cases, immaturity is mistaken for an attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and although many people often grow out of immaturity as they reach adulthood, ADHD is a lifelong disease that can have harmful effects on life. However, many children are diagnosed at an early age which never allows them to grow out of the potential immaturity. The immaturity of children is a biological fact of life, but in modern Western culture, hyperactivity is frowned upon as it can negatively affect social and academic life and is therefore written off as a disease that can be treated. This creates the ideal cultural preconditions for the growth of the …show more content…

These non-existent illness were created to control the targeted audience/population. During the dark period of slavery in the United States’ history, a physician named Samuel Cartwright reported a new mental disease called Drapetomania, or the disease that caused slaves to run away. Not only is this mental disorder non-existent, but it was used to target escaped slaves in attempt to control them as labelling them as “mentally unstable”. Homosexuality was also listed as a “sociopathic personality disorder” and this illness was treated by throwing homosexuals in mental institutions, therefore ridding Western society of this “problem”. It can be argued that the same issue is happening with ADHD, as immature children are the targeted audience and they often don’t perform as well academically. By treating this disease, society is purging themselves of under-performing children just as they have done throughout

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