
Overachiever Is An Over Achiever

Decent Essays

An overachiever is someone who goes beyond expectations and is always ahead. This word could be accurate when it comes to my school work and activities. I am labeled as an overachiever because I am known to perform above the expected academic level. This word is misleading and gives other students the idea of me being a perfectionist. Students who think that often see me as a "teacher's pet", or a "know-it-all". To believe you are an overachiever means you would doubt that you are not good enough to reach whatever level you are at. These students are missing the fact that giving great effort is a part of who I am. I have always been a student to work hard and exceed expectations. To call someone an over achiever is more of an act of jealousy rather than a reward.
Being identified as an over achiever makes me feel unmotivated. When the day would come to display my work to the class, my presentations were often met with shocking faces and murmurs. The words, "she is such an overachiever" were the words I never wanted to hear. It makes you feel like you have tried too hard, or a loser for caring so much about your grade. You often see students doing just enough to get by because it appears cool to act like you are not working too hard for something. An over achiever is an understatement and is applied to students who perform better than their peers. It is others who would label you as an overachiever because they don't think you are good enough to do what you do and be where

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