
Overcoming Homelessness

Decent Essays

It is estimated that over a half million people in America are currently living without homes, sleeping instead in crowded shelters, parks, bus stations, and other places not meant for human accommodation. Many who are unfamiliar with this stigmatizing situation presume there is a simple solution to this social crisis. “Get a job!” they say, attributing the homeless’ wretched situation to laziness. However, overcoming homelessness is not that simple. Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of vagrants do work or try to find work, but due to factors in the economy beyond their control, they find homelessness nearly insurmountable. [economic aspects?] For many in America, homelessness is nigh inescapable due to economic impediments such as the availability/affordability of housing, the discrepancy between the cost of living and low income, and the difficulty in securing a stable income. One major obstacle in overcoming homelessness is obtaining a home itself. The decline in the availability and affordability of housing makes living in a secure home a dream for many. Although there are homeless shelters, public housing, and subsidized housing available, they are rather limited in space, not to mention typically ranging from substandard to outright terrible conditions. Many who have tried living in shelters avoid it because there are more problems living in one than on the street; there are often many problems living in a shelter they report of, such as overcrowding,

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