In our everyday life we are thrown with obstacles therefore most people try to go around them. However I think it’s just a matter of wanting to overcoming them. In the world we live in today there advantages and disadvantages we just have to make the best of the good and bad that come with it. No matter what the case may be, there nothing worse than not wanting to make the best of it. Everyone always says “ If they throw you lemons, make a lemonade.” What they are referring to is that no matter what the circumstance is you can turn it into something positive. For example, I have a little cousin who has cancer well actually had she is cured now. She was a normal seven year old little girl, however when she started getting older she started developing cancer. It was tough for her, because while other kids were out playing she had to be in a hospital getting treatment. Also my uncle's didn't have it easy either, because they had to see their little girl fighting cancer. However as the years went on with …show more content…
They may ask them self “Why try I don't want to be reminded of something hard in my life" or “There is never anything good about facing an obstacle. "For example, my brother when he was little he jumped into the car without him knowing that it was on. So he was playing and eventually the car started moving and he had a huge crash. He was only five and now he is 17 he still faces that obstacle today. Consequently, he doesn't even drive and get scared all the time of getting in, yet he just hides from it instead of overcoming the obstacle. As a result, we should never let some obstacle keep us from not facing obstacles. So as the years go by we are thrown with obstacle we just have to learn to overcome them and find the best of them. Just like one day Tommy Newberry said ,“Obstacles are the raw materials of great
Life is like an obstacle course, you run into multiple obstacles on the way to the finish line, and there's no telling how many hindrances you may encounter. Very few people can go their whole life without obstacles along the way, others can’t seem to get away from them, but with every obstacle comes a beneficial or deleterious concomitant.
There are two kinds of people: the ones that are willing to give up after seeing the first obstacle in their way and the ones that are willing to turn the same obstacle in their favor. Any problem, may it be an obstacle or a disadvantage, can always be turned into something good if you believe you can do it. All you have to do in order to accomplish this is to see with another perspective all the good there is in any problem, no matter how hard or impossible it seems to be.
Obstacles are unavoidable parts of our lives. Obstacles constantly come in the way and slow us down. However, these obstacles should not be viewed as being harmful. They are essential factors in order for one to succeed. They can change the course of one’s life, and encourage one to work harder. Therefore, obstacles can be beneficial.
trying to change or overcome obstacles can be damaging. Life is full of struggles, but it
Everyone has different aspects of life that come with multiple obstacles. As many think they aren’t able to overcome and moving fourth, believing they will fall apart and behind everyone else. Most of mankind has experience some type of obstacles and we all have a wide arrangement on how to cope and overcome. The truth is, we only see challenges and obstacles when we take our eyes off the goal. Every goal has a challenges but once we overcome the world becomes bigger.
In life we may go through hardships that take us down a path that benefits us in the future and make us stronger individuals. These hardships can influence a person’s life by making us face obstacles we don’t want to face and
Obstacles. Everyone has been forced to overcome them at some point in their life. These obstacles have shaped everyone and helped them become the person they are today. Challenges are a part of life and everyone will face them at some point in their life, but it is how people handle it that determines their future. This idea can be seen in many pieces of text including the following poems. “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley and “The Rose That Grew From Concrete” by Tupac both convey the idea that obstacles are important in everyone’s life and help shape everyone as a person on the way to their dream.
Imagine having the perfect life- you get into all honors classes, you get straight A’s, you are the first chair in the orchestra, you get into the A Cappella choir, you are on the varsity volleyball team, President of the Student Council, and you have a perfect home life. You have never had to face a single obstacle throughout your journey in life. When your whole life is like this, you do not know what failure feels like and will never experience the need to rise up after a downfall. There are many types of journeys one can take in life and dealing with obstacles has a prodigious impact on the outcome. The obstacles and hindrances are the things that shape us as we experience the ups and downs in life.
Everyone has trials and tribulations in life, and we all face different ones. One story that really spoke to me is the one where the man who moves the rock from the middle of the road finds the bag of gold. The problems in life aren’t going away, so trying to avoid the pitfalls in life is just going to cause more issues. It is important to solve the trials we are faced with instead of running away.
Ease does not challenge people and adversity is needed to help people discover who they are. In other words, misfortunes, obstacles and difficulties are needed to aid us in finding ourselves and who we are.
Many people have different ways to accomplish their goals which depends on their experiences and struggles in life. They can use these experiences and struggles and turn them into wisdom, and they become determined to accomplish these goals no matter what obstacles stand in their way. For example, Ernesto was determined to learn how to be an American, but to never forget that he was truly a Mexican. The “Apollo 13” crew was determined to fix a problem in their spaceship by using their knowledge. In both situations, confidence and determination was needed to face challenges, but with teamwork, they acheived success on these missions.
“Well, these sad and hopeless obstacles are welcome in one sense, for they enable us to look with indifference upon the cruel satires that Fate loves to indulge in” (Thomas Hardy). The definition of an obstacle is a thing, mental or physical, that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress. A common theme in literature is having to do with overcoming obstacles and ways to solve problems despite them. The mockingbird from Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird, Harrison Bergeron from Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s “Harrison Bergeron,” and the situations from Rudyard Kipling’s “If” each function as a symbol to reveal that you will have to overcome obstacles no matter what.
First,in ways, people overcome obstacles is keeping a positive attitude since when you have a positive attitude you are harder to discourage.An example of positive attitude while facing adversity would be in the text “A work in progress” where Aimee Mullin faces her adversity with humor like when she broke her wooden leg and while all the other people in that room were freaking out all she could think about was that her parents were going to kill her.I chose this example because out of all the stories we read in class about facing adversity Aimee Mullin struck me as the most positive about her obstacle.It’s important because it shows my point that with a positive attitude you don’t get discouraged as easily and like Aimee Mullin you can achieve whatever you wish no matter your adversity.Another example from “A work in progress” that shows positive attitude would be when Aimee Mullin got her new legs and was stating all the good qualities about her legs instead of being like oh I don’t this about them or
Everyone experiences adversity. Challenges that everyday people experience can potentially shape, improve, or destroy one's sense of self and personality. Through all these hardships and seemingly impenetrable obstacles, the most pertinent component of one's ability to overcome can only be shown in actions taken despite the odds. People have one of two options; to let those obstacles overwhelm them and keep them from pursuing all that they were destined to accomplish, or to march forward, fight harder and push past the seemingly impossible circumstances to become greater than they ever expected to be, but until they take the step that enables them to be successful -- they are stranded. All of our actions, mistakes, successes, and behaviors shape our person and what we can or cannot become, but what will always matter is our individual decisions and actions not those of the people around us because at the end of the day, we are the ones who have to deal with ourselves.
In life, we all go through challenges and it’s either we face them or walk away from it. Growing up, people will always have different ways of handling things that happens in their life. We can’t know what could happen and how we handle it because life is unexpected. As I see it is that if you tend to keep making the same mistakes, you’ll never get passed your past and if you learn from all of your mistakes, you can move forward with your life. Everyone has faced their challenges in their own way and not everything in life will be easy because I can tell you right now that no one’s life is perfect. Everyone has their flaws, but they're perfect in their own way possible.