
Overcoming Obstacles In The Circuit, By Francisco Jimenez

Decent Essays

A lot of people face adversity during their life. They have a lot of obstacles to overcome. Obstacles could be a broken bone all the way to a family member dying. Every person in the world face some kind of adversity. More than 100 million people are homeless in the world. People with disabilities face obstacles because they are not like the average person. The world is 59.7 trillion dollars in debt. That is a lot of money. In this case the whole world is facing an obstacle. In “The Circuit” by Francisco Jimenez it is about a poor family traveling around from place to place trying to find a place to work to find money. For the time being Panchito(main character) and his family were living in an old garage. In the beginning of the story Panchito …show more content…

She had to put her thumb on a person's throat, the pointer finger on the person’s lips, and the middle finger on the person’s nose. Helen Keller was both blind and deaf. Being blind is hard enough to overcome, but being blind and deaf is extremely hard to overcome. She couldn’t hear or see anything so she had to rely on her sense of touch to move around. She could not see what was around her and she could not hear what was around her so she had to overcome a lot of obstacles in her life. She finally learned how to talk by the thumb on the throat, pointer finger on the lips, and the middle finger on the nose. She said her first sentence which was “I am not dumb …show more content…

The girl landed in the middle of some kind of jungle and she needed to find her way to safety. The girl faced the obstacle of not having any safety. She didn’t have any parents with her so she needed to survive on her own. She needed to walk until she was out of the jungle to find people to save her. Eventually she heard a helicopter fly over her, but since she was under a bunch of trees the helicopter could not see her. The helicopter was probably for looking for people that were still waiting to get rescued. She faced a lot of adversity because she was trying to get out of the jungle and she thought she wasn’t going to make it out of the

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