
Overcoming Obstacles and Pentecostal Enlightment

Decent Essays

Passion is when a person has total devotion and is given meaning. With Jesus as their guide, the disciples were given not only a sense of purpose but also a sense of duty. This passion towards Jesus and the religion made in his message, was imperative as it was the key factor for the disciples as they committed their lives toward the development of Christianity. “With little more than passion for the message of Jesus as their guide, the early Christians overcame numerous obstacles to ensure his legacy was maintained for the world.” The early christians not only had to live their existence in the hopes to make Christianity a recognised religion, but they needed to have the passion at the very heart of their existence for this idea to flourish. They were faced with many obstacles to overcome, including the fear of being alone, hurdles the Council of Jerusalem took control of, Paul’s missionary journeys, and persecution.

Pentecost is known as the birthday of the church as it marks the beginning of fearless Christian pursuit to spread the Good News of salvation of Jesus in 33AD. After Jesus’ death, disciples had the fear of being alone in the battle to spread the message of Jesus. This is one obstacle that is apparent of being one of the largest barriers in the church’s development. On the day of Pentecost, Jesus’ disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit in the form of a lingering light above their heads, after they gathered Jerusalem. This Holy Spirit allowed them to speak

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