
Overcoming the Challenges in OCHA Situation Report No. 1 Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The main challenges identified from OCHA Situation Report No. 13 and my proposed actions to overcome the challenges are as follows:

(a) The security situation remains as a challenge to operate humanitarian actions including conduct vaccination activities, campaign for vaccination, smooth delivery of the programmes and emergency assistance packages.

The security challenges in operating humanitarian actions and its consequences should be communicated to the Government as well as to the Militias groups through media and all other available communication channels. The opportunity of reaching a consensus to operate UN lead humanitarian assistances for the most vulnerable population could be explored through the political advocacy by the …show more content…

(e) Access to information remains a challenge in reopening of the schools.

Adequate campaign through the local leaders and local NGOs and CBOs and local media campaign could reduce the information gaps and well as over this challenge.
(f) Obtaining reliable and updated IDP population figures is a significant challenge.

This challenge could be overcome through developing a database and conducting rapid survey to the IDP camps both inside and outside the country. I think estimating the IDP population is important for a reliable and effective plan for both humanitarian as well as long term development interventions.

(g) Another major challenge is accessing information on human rights violations and collecting protection related information.

Awareness raising of the community leaders is very important in strengthening protection as well as accessing information on human rights violations. Training could be organized for the community leaders and volunteers on t his issue as well as local NGOs and CBOs could be supported for collecting information and provide support to the victims of violence.

(h) Draughts also affecting in increasing local food production and to reduce the burden of external food aids.

FAO can continue exploring more drought resistance crop production and early furcating of local food production so that Government and humanitarian agencies prepare advance plan to overcome the upcoming challenge of low food

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