Moreover, breeders are another issue to the overpopulation of dogs. Let me explain. There are two types of breeders: “responsible” and those that are not. Irresponsible breeders are motivated by profit and are not educated on how to breed dogs. One of the methods that irresponsible breeders use is a form of inbreeding called, “line breeding.” This is when dogs mate between relatives. The breeders’ purpose is to intensify certain breed characteristics. And as an effect, dogs are prone to develop genetic defects and diseases. (Bert Stoop) Irresponsible breeders might also separate a pup from the mother and litter before 8 weeks of age, and by doing this, a newborn puppy would not get the appropriate nutrients needed for its development. Studies
Could you see a child being put and stacked up on crates with other childern stacked with them? This is what they do to dogs in puppy mills, they have the mother bread right after she gives birth so they can have more puppies to sell. I mean come on how could any one be so creul to do that to a poor dog? Most puppies are sold at makets at 8 weeks old, puppies need to be at least 12 weeks old before they are seperated from their moms. this causes a lot of stress on the puppies and the mom, which causes health compliccations. We need to stress on the amount of dogs that are being over populated in the world. I understand many people do like to buy dog of beautiful breads. We
With already set regulations on puppy mills, people say there is no reason to have any additions on the rules. There is a kennel license, which restricts how many dogs someone can have depending on how much square footage of land he or she owns. This regulates the amount of dogs that can be held for breeding and to keep the area clean and safe enough for all the dogs involved. People are required to go through a moderately long process to achieve their license, to ensure that these dogs will be okay. Puppy mills are also known for keeping pure breed numbers up, such as beloved German shepherds, poodles, Welsh Pembroke corgis, and Labradors. Having mixed breeds can be healthier of course but as Sofia Jeppsson had said in her article Purebred Dogs and Canine Wellbeing, “However, in the long run such a strategy would severely deplete the
Corresponding to the first reason of why there should be stricter laws against puppy mills is the amount of dogs being killed each year due to the female's ability to reproduce. They not only get murdered in mills because of the horrific conditions, but also get killed if the mother cannot reproduce any more puppies (“A Closer Look At Mills”). In order to make sure the puppy mills receive the money they want, the mills will produce as many puppies as possible even if they do not have the space for them. As discussed earlier, they do not care about their living conditions; they just want their money.
The Dog Town Skate Team exemplifies Houston’s stance that California is both a “place and a state of mind”. Houston details California’s bountiful- indeed, seemingly endless reserve of natural resources- its “loamy soil”, “grazing land for cattle”, gold, and the oil reserves that enriched 1920s Long Beach as well as many other locales- that have both supported native peoples and drawn immigrants to California while subtly developing a similarly golden perspective or outlook within the people. California’s rich biodiversity and vast natural resources morphed within its occupants’ beings into a similarly rich mindset, holding as early as the 16th century that within California- the Amazonian paradise described in Garci Ordonez de Montalvo’s novel,
Puppy mills should be banned because of their careless breeding process. Breeders don't want to pay for special surgery so they do it themselves by performing Caesarean sections on pregnant females. New born pups in puppy mills receive little to no grooming, or vet care. Puppy mill owners would kill any unwanted dogs or unneeded momma pups who can't breed anymore (Activists Go Undercover). Studies show "More than 10,000 large, substandard mass producers of puppies, often referred to as puppy mills, house 200,000 to 400,000 breeding dogs that produce 2 million to 4 million puppies a year, estimates HSUS' Stephanie Shain, senior director its Stop Puppy Mills project” these mills are over breeding and causing overpopulation of dogs (Sharon). Puppy mills conduct their own surgeries, kill unwanted dogs, and are majorly over
Another important part of the problem are the businesses that contribute to the population of pets, the dog breeders, sometimes called puppy mills. The Oxford Dictionaries defines a puppy mill as “an establishment that breeds puppies for sale, typically on an intensive basis and in conditions regarded as inhumane” (“Puppy Mill,” 2015). The Friends of Animals (2013) Web site, gives some definitions of what a puppy mill is from an animal lover’s point of view. The housing for dogs is small pens and in which they may never have the chance to touch the grass in their lifetime. Veterinary care for the breeding dogs is a minimum to increase the profit from the sale of the puppies. Most of the puppy mills are located in central states, where Adams (1991) explains that the large factory chicken farms have taken over the local farmer’s cash crop of chickens resulting in the farmer breeding dogs for their cash
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals state that the definition of puppy mills is “... a large-scale commercial dog breeding facility where profit is given priority over the well-being of the dogs”. All puppy mills breed up to 70 breeds of dogs at time. Unlike responsible breeders, who only breed up to three kinds of dogs at a time. Mills will make females keep reproducing immediately after giving birth with no recovery time in between litters. The main idea of puppy mills are that they focus on quantity and not quality.
To begin let’s look at the problem: puppy mills, they produce mass amounts of puppies in poor conditions, the only concern being quantity of life, not quality of life. The life of a mill dog is one of intense suffering, “The Federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA) passed in 1966 does not see these dogs as pets, but as livestock. Under the AWA, it is legal to keep a dog in a cage only 6 inches longer than the dog in each direction, with a wire floor, stacked on top of another cage” (A Closer Look). Forced to live in the squalor of their own feces their lives are bleak and hopeless. Most of us would never leave our animals out in the cold, snow, rain or the sweltering heat we have. These poor animals live caged in these harsh elements with little to no shelter. This type of
Puppies are taken away from their mothers too early which can cause illnesses or behavioral problems. Dogs raised at puppy mills are sold in two main places. They either go to pet stores or are sold over the internet. When dogs are shipped out to pet stores they can sometimes go up to many hours without food or water and are tightly squeezed in cages. Many pet stores sell the dogs without telling the buyer where they have come from. Not just are the dogs treated unkindly and in unhealthy ways but there is also a psychological affect on them as well.
On average 3 million dogs are killed or die from the elements of starvation in puppy mills (11 Facts About Puppy Mills 1). There are about 10,000 licensed and unlicensed puppy mills in the U.S (ASPCA 1). From those 10,000 mills about 2.11 million dogs are sold at pet stores (11 Facts About Puppy Mills 1). They are able to produce so many dogs because there can be 1 to 1,0000 breeding dogs in a facility not counting the puppies or litters (ASPCA 1). Also, 100% of pet store dogs are all from puppy mills. To conclude, Puppy mills are harmful to animals and they should be shut down/made illegal.
A: Pet mills put money and profit, before the health of the animals they are breeding. Animals from these mills are usually living in disgusting conditions, and not getting the medical care that they need (Sheeter, n.d.). Because of this, the animals can get very prone to sickness, and have behavioural problems. They are left in small crates, squished together, have terrible diets, and dirty water (Sheeter, n.d.). A lot of dogs have been neglected or abused and have had little attention, interaction with humans or other animals, or obedience trainings. They were not treated with any sort or respect or appreciation or care, and they deserve that. The mums of the puppies are caged and constantly bred until they no longer can, they do not get
The domestic dog has to be one of the most unique animals that the human had ever bred. All dogs were formed differently and for separate reasons; whether it be for their looks or for their personal attributes, the dog has been evolved around humans and yet many breeds were created by humans themselves. I also believe that having a dog is a necessity to having a balanced life, just how Cesar Millan was quoted on the Brainy Quote web page “The dog can only become what's in your bubble. The dog is imitating the energy that is in your bubble. You are the source, the feast of energy. If you feel anxious, the dog becomes anxious with you. If you become nervous, the dog wakes up nervous with you”. Your dog runs off of your actions and emotions
The reason dogs have become domesticated was the synergy between humans and the wolves who were the ancestors of modern dogs. Dogs were attracted to humans by scavenging their left over food and the humans liked the dogs protecting the human settlements with their warning barks and fending off other predators with their constant presence. This meant the dogs natural diet of raw food was changed over the years and adapted to include cooked food left over from human consumption. This means that dogs who were essentially carnivores were eating the same food as humans, who were essentially omnivores. It is only since the late 1800′s that commercial dog food has been available, and not until the 1950′s did it become popular. It is also in the same
For being man’s supposed best friend, humans too often make choices to benefit themselves instead of dogs. People decide what traits make a dog cute and disregard what traits make them healthy. Dog breeding is a harmful practice for dogs both biologically and culturally due to superficial standards. These dogs are bred to be cute, but that cuteness can inadvertently carry a gene that can lead to disease, or even the cuteness itself could be debilitating, such as with the poster pug’s flat face makes breathing significantly more difficult. Dogs are living, breathing creatures and the standards set for their reproduction should factor their well-being into the standard of the dog.
Attention Getter: We all see them, those sad little faces that look up at us with their sad eyes. They need homes and families that love them, they are stray animals.