
Overview of Business for the Glory of God Essay examples

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In his book, “Business for the Glory of God” Wayne Grudem discusses why business and making a profit from it is not evil and can be used for the glory of God. While this book is not an in depth analysis, it does provide a brief overview of why the author believes that business can be and should be used to glorify God. In the book, the author starts off by posing the question of whether or not business itself is good or evil. Of course, business by itself is neither good nor evil it is the people involved in the business that make it what it is. A person’s morals and ethics will shape how their business operates, whether for good or ill. If we use our business to show people the glory of God, than our business is doing good for the …show more content…

This leads some people to believe that we can never really own anything because it already belongs to God. While this is true in a sense I agree with the author when he says that God created us with a desire to own things so that we could imitate his sovereignty that way. Another article I read concerning property ownership says, “Those who wish to deny private property, and thus, the biblical mandate of stewardship, fail to recognize God’s order for society” (Demar, 2010). When God made us He gave charge over the Earth and everything in it and having been given charge of it we assume ownership of it until we leave it. The example that I have heard a lot for this is the parable of the unfaithful steward. In this parable, a nobleman left the country to receive a kingdom for himself, leaving ten of his servants each with a mina to look after while he was gone. While the other servants did something to increase the possessions they were given one hid it so it would be safe. When the nobleman returns and discovers this he takes the mina from the poor steward and gives it to another. This infers ownership of the mina that each servant was given because he takes what the one steward has and gives it to another. He doesn’t keep it because the charge of it has been given over to the servants. Insights like these in the Bible help to prove the fact of personal ownership. The second aspect that the author discussed that I agree with is that of

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