
PTLLS Unit 2

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1.1 Summarise learning and teaching strategies used in own specialism All the teaching I have carried out recently is in relation to people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour. Some is classroom based, such as Risk and Conflict Management, Autism and behaviour interventions relating to an individual service user. I also used to teach PRICE (Protecting Rights In a Caring Environment). This is a physical intervention course which is practical and physical with no desks; therefore the teaching and learning strategies are different for this course. It tends to use a style more like EDIP (Explain, Demonstrate, Imitate and Practice). Allen’s (1919) four-step method, as cited in Gravells (2012, p.95) describes that it starts …show more content…

I will need to include learners in agreeing their individual learning plan so ensure it meets their needs. Ensuring the learners help write the ground rules will ensure everyone feels included. Also using an ice breaker assists learners to feel part of a group. I will need to consider the resources I use to ensure they meet the needs of the learners. It will be important to use a wide variety of resources when I am teaching, the main reasons for this is to accommodate different learning styles but also to help learner stimulation and interaction. Part of inclusive learning is for me to be approachable and accessible, so the students feel comfortable to talk to me. 2.2 Explain how to select resources that meet the needs of learners Resources need to be appropriate for the learning outcomes and suitable for the learner’s needs or to be able to adapt it. A tutor also needs to consider if a resource is at the correct level of ability. Resources also need to be current and credible and of high quality. Tutors also need to consider their own ability to use the equipment and there may be budgetary constraints to consider. All resources need to meet the session objectives. If we consider the resource of YouTube videos within PowerPoint, some advantages to its use are:- • It has a visual impact • There is a wide range and choice • It can be up to date • It is easily remembered by many learners • It is accessible However,

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