
Online Learning Model: Felder And Silverman Learning Style Model

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In an online eLearning environment, learning contents are provided in a variety of formats including written text, images, graphs, charts, tables, audio, videos, animations etc. Most of the time the contents are mixed to suit the learners need. There are number of online learning sites available that provides learning contents to variety of purposes including educational content and skill improvement learning contents. Various intelligent tutoring systems are available that addresses the need of personalization. Most of these systems are built around Felder and Silverman Learning Style Model which is widely used in engineering education. The Felder and Silverman learning style model suggests four learning dimensions addressing eight learning styles[25]. In FSLSM Visual and Verbal is one of the learning dimension that considers how a learner receives learning information and what kind of learning content can benefit to the particular learning style. The learning contents / objects are …show more content…

For every dimension, a learner may have preference to either of the learning style. Felder has suggested teaching style or learning contents for each learning style as shown in table 3.1.
Table 3.1: Felder Silverman Learning Style Model
Sr. No Dimension Learning Style Teaching Technique Suggested Learning Material
01 Perception Sensitive Provide a balance of concrete information and abstract concepts Facts, Data, Experiments, Experimental Results Intuitive Principles, Mathematical Models, Theorems, Theoretical Concepts
02 Input Visual Use visuals, written and spoken instructions. Images, Graphs, Pictures, Sketches, Tables, Videos, Animations etc. Verbal Spoken Instructions, Printed Material, Audio tapes, Written Words etc.
03 Processing Active Provide opportunities to think and act upon learning content Include Experiments, Pair work / Group

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