
Pablo Picasso : The Architect's Table

Good Essays

Grace Ng
December 5, 2017
ARTD: Modern Art
Professor Simon

The Architect's Table

Pablo Picasso is one of the most recognizable names in art; as he is well known for specializing in Cubism. During his career he produced many works of drawing, painting and sculpturing. But what made him famous were his Cubist paintings, the most controversial art movement in his life. Some of the exceptionally well known Cubist art by Picasso were, for example, the Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907), Girl with Mandolin (1910) and the Portrait of Gertrude Stein (1906). Unfortunately not all of his paintings were able to receive the same recognition; a painting like The Architect's Table was not as popular but it did draw attention because it was so complex. From a timeline of his life you will notice that as his life changed his style of art also changed. Picasso's life’s event influenced his art - from deaths to loves in his life, these events shaped who and what type of style Picasso created.
Well experiencing with Cubism, Picasso painted, The Architect's Table in 1912. The Architect's Table is a Cubist work of his and was very abstract for it’s time. Cubism was very confrontational and modern for the time because it was a strange new style and had a very complex view of shapes. It was challenging because it rejected what the norm was among artists. The Art Academia had a certain set of rules that artist had to follow that would make it purchasable and acceptable in the art society; Cubism

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