
Pain Case Study

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The objective of the study was to compare the incidence of post-operative pain between rotary andhand K-files single visit root canal treatment. 60 patients with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis participated in this randomized clinical trial at Altamash Dental Institute from Sep 2016 to May 2017. Patients were randomly alienated into 2 distinct groups of 30 patients. Single visit root canal treatment were perfomed by cleaning and shaping of canals by means of rotary files in group A while in group B hand K-files were used for shaping and cleaning via passive step-back technique followed by obturation and termporary filling on the same visit. Following the treatment, patients were directed to compute pain intensity at 4, 8, 12 and 24 …show more content…

It is evaluated from former studies that technique in which instrument is used in rotational manner tends to extrude reduce amount of debris in apical region in contrast to technique that uses up and down stroke. Likewise, custom-hand filing technique is more conscientious for debris extrusion than motor-driven files. Further, flutes in rotary files have more propensities to haul the debris coronally (9, 10, 13, 15, and 18). According to most of the studies, hand instruments cause more post-operative pain in comparison to NiTi rotary files (17-22). However, according to a newstudy, no significant difference in post-operative pain was noticed with different instrumentation (23). Instrumentation shares no relationship with post-endodontic pain, as evaluated from prior studies (24). According to researchers, numbers of visit shares no association with post-endodontic pain (25-30). However, according to some studies RCT performed in multiple visits results in elevated post-operative pain (31-32). Similarly, another study states that patients treated in single visit are more likely to undergo post-operative pain (33-36). METHODOLOGY This randomized clinical trialwas conducted at Altamash Dental Institute from Sep 2016 to May 2017.60 patients were selected by convenience sampling. Informed verbal

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