
Painting Analysis : Claude Monet

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Claude Monet, a french painter, painted the Church at Varengeville, Grey Weather, in the year 1882, in the midst of his artistic career. Varengeville-sur-Mer is a small commune in the Seine-Maritime of the north-western region in France. The painting is oil paint on a canvas about 25 by 32 inches, and hangs directly on the wall, in a simple ornate frame.The work’s current location is in the Speed Art Museum, in Louisville, KY. The artwork is hung at a horizontal orientation. In the upper left corner of the painting, sits a small church, where the hazy sky peaks out and radiates light from being the building. To the left of the church rests a body of water with several small sail boats. In the foreground there are two trees emerging …show more content…

Church at Varengeville demonstrates Monet’s talent and ability to portray the light and shadows in inherent means. The painting gets progressively darker as the eye moves from the top to the bottom. It is difficult to determine where the light source is coming from. The entire sky is lit up and the grassy hill. Monet was intensely preoccupied with capturing nature and light. The impressionists were very concerned with light. They would use their colorful strokes to emulate light and the reflection of light. One of the most interesting things about this piece is the complexity. At first glance the painting looks monotone and very dull and the uniform use of cool colors are very calming. However, upon further and closer inspection, the vibrant, unmixed hues of the colors become apparent. The grassy land not only incorporates dull and dark greens hues, but also, bright greens, blues, and burnt oranges. Also, the pale sky consists of yellows pinks and blues, all very pastel and softly blended. In contrast to the sky and land, the ocean is composed of very lineare brushstrokes consisting of blue and green. Throughout the composition, Monet layered the colors creating a sense of depth and space. The trees are in the front of the landscape and they force the eye to move back in space. The church and the water are much smaller than the tree and show and accurate understanding of scale. The technique in which Monet

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