
Paleolithic Diets

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In addition to those shared similarities there are many other factors that they do not share which could affect the weight loss process, let’s begin with ketogenic diets. Apart from carbohydrate reduction another large feature of these types’ diets is that they are usually high in fats, this increase in fat consumption could have adverse effects that may counteract any good the diet may do. However another benefit of this type of diet is that there must some sort of measurement of the dieter’s daily food intake. Since they have to keep track of the amount of carbohydrates they eat this causes a shift in mindset from eating whatever they wish to consciously evaluating their food choices and limiting what they eat. Although strict calorie counting is not necessarily involved …show more content…

One such study was found, however it was only a three study that had no control. Regardless, the results show a clear indicator of significant weight loss when following the Paleolithic diet. The study was performed by M. Osterdahl, T. Kocturk, A. Koochek, and P.E. Wandell and was published in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The participants were no allowed to consume any dairy products, grains, legumes, or processed foods. After the three weeks the participants showed a 2.3kg decrease in weight, .8 point reduction in body mass index, and a waist reduction of .5 cm. As far any risk the only that were identified was a reduced intake of calcium which is due to the elimination of dairy and legumes that would normally supply the needed calcium. Although the study was short it provides valuable insight to the weight loss prospects of the Paleolithic diet. The main reason why weight loss observed was not because the body is more has trouble processing dairy, grains, and legumes but rather because of the elimination of processed foods and foods that high in calories but low in

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