
Palestine and Israel Essay

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Palestine and Israel

On the day of January 18th, 2004 Israeli forces rushed through the Gaza strip and attempted a dangerous raid. The effects of the raid left eight Palestinians civilians dead in cold blood. Within twenty-four hours a young Palestinian police officer by the name of Ali Jaara climbed onto a Jerusalem bus and detonated a bomb, killing him and ten Israeli passengers. This is a very sad but common example of the never ending war that takes place not only on the battlefield but now on the streets and in homes of innocents. The war between Palestine and Israel may be able to date back to Biblical times and there seems to be no end in sight for either side. (Winder)

The war in the Middle East is a great one. The cause …show more content…


After many failed plans by the British to solve the problem native Palestinians and immigrant Jews began to mobilize there own forces for a war. The first battles began with Jewish forces attacking Palestinian villages in December of 1948. “The State of Israel, the first Jewish state for nearly 2,000 years, was proclaimed at 1600 on 14 May 1948 in Tel Aviv. The declaration came into effect the following day as the last British
Troops withdrew. Palestinians remember 15 May as "al-Nakba", or the Catastrophe.” Both sides created large armies but the Jews, now Israeli’s backed by the Irgun and Lehi militant group won many early battles and on the date of April 9th the two groups rushed into a village near Jerusalem and massacred “scores” of innocents. Even after the Arabs summoned five large armies to invade the new Jewish state they continued to be pushed back by the Jews. In January of 1964 Yasser Arafat created the Fatah organization that would later cause much damage to Israeli troops. Conflicts in 1967 contributed to the destruction of the Egyptian air force and the start of Yom Kippur War. This one year war caused mainly by retaliation from Syrian and Egyptian forces left 8,500 dead on the Arab side, while the Jews lost 6,000. (Porat)

Yasser Arafat finally launched a new campaign against the

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