
Palliative Care

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Palliative care should be used much more frequently than aggressive treatments because this approach improves the quality of life patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illnesses and therefore should be covered by insurance companies. As a big part of the American population ages, and more people live longer with grave illnesses, a growing number of people want to be able to talk over options with their doctors. “Medicare’s plan comes as many patients, families, and health providers are pushing to give people greater say about how they die-- whether that means trying every possible medical option to stay alive or discontinuing life support for those who do not want to be sustained by ventilators and …show more content…

When physical mobility, mental acuity, and income purchasing power declines, the need for community-based, low cost services rise. “A lot of seniors are having to move in with their children, but would prefer independence and self-sufficiency,” said Josephine Brown, Executive Director of the Newton County Senior Center. The Older Americans Act of 1965 authorized funding for a range of supportive and nutritional services to benefit people age 60 or older and assist them in maintaining their independence in the community. As population ages, there are only a limited amount of services for the senior community. There are some programs that can help a person over 60 and stay home, including home delivered meals, homemaker and respite services, but the demand for these services are rising. By the time all the Baby Boomers have reached retirement age in 2030, that number is expected to hit 72.7 million, or 20.3 percent of the …show more content…

A primary role of palliative care is the relief of pain and other physical, psychologist, and emotional symptoms. Patients with advanced diseases such as dementia may be at substantial risk for undetected or undertreated pain. Palliative care interventions can improve the management of pain and other symptoms in patients. Psychosocial, spiritual, and bereavement support are key elements of palliative care. Depression is associated with higher utilization of healthcare services as well as significantly increased mortality rates. Another key element of palliative care is attending to the needs of family members and

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