
Palm Oil And Its Effects

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Palm Oil makes up more than 50% of daily used goods, particularly food goods, but this is not without effects on other animals, plants and people. Many people are completely unaware of the effects of Palm Oil. This is the reason why more awareness of Palm Oil and it’s effects, is necessary. This report will look at what Palm Oil is, how it is used, it’s positives, it’s negatives and sustainable Palm Oil.

About Palm Oil
What is Palm Oil?
Palm Oil is an edible vegetable oil, that originates from the Palm Oil tree. It comes from the pulp of the fruit which surrounds the kernel. It contributes to the economic development of developing countries and plays a main role in the diets of millions of people around the world.

Where is it grown? Why?
Palm trees originated in West Africa, but was brought to South-East Asia towards the start of the 20th century. During the British Industrial Revolution the demand for Palm Oil increased. At that time 250,000 tones of Palm Oil was being exported annually, this number has now risen to more that 60 000 000 tonnes a year. It is currently planted and harvested throughout Africa, Asia, North America, South America, Indonesia and Malaysia. 85% of all Palm Oil is produced and exported from Indonesia and Malaysia.

Palm trees can be grown in hot places with abundant rainfall, such as Malaysia and Indonesia. This is why there is such large plantations in places such as Indonesia and Malaysia. The reason that Palm Oil is used

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